This is a repository for our final project for MPP-E1180.
- Academic Paper: final_paper.Rmd knits our final submission of final_paper.pdf
- Project Presentation: presentation1.Rmd knits our final submission of presentation1.html
- Project Presentation images: are stored in the Figures folder
- R Scripts: data_scraping.R takes the raw data from the newspaper website; final_loop2.R then cleans our data and also creates summary statistics and plots; inferential_stats2.R runs our analyses
- Data: all.Rdata is our raw data; clean.Rdata is our cleaned raw data; cleaned.Rdata is our time series data; cleaned2.Rdata is a grouped version of cleaned; cleaned5obs.Rdata is our panel dataset of 5 years; panelmodel3.Rdata is our special panel dataset of three time periods that we used to run our fixed effects model
- References: papers stored in main1.bib and packages stored in packages1.bib
- Extra: this folder contains older versions of working files that we have kept for safe-keeping (they are not relevant for our final project)
Comments on the proposal can be submitted to [Kyle Ott](mailto: or [Cornelius Schneider](mailto: