Python coordinate conversions, following convention of several popular Matlab routines.
a few quick examples:
from pymap3d import * lat,lon,alt = eci2geodetic(eci,t) az,el,range = geodetic2aer(lat,lon,alt,42,-82,0)
Popular mapping toolbox functions ported to Python include:
aer2ecef aer2enu aer2geodetic aer2ned ecef2aer ecef2enu ecef2enuv ecef2geodetic ecef2ned ecef2nedv ecef2eci eci2ecef enu2aer enu2ecef enu2ecefv enu2geodetic geodetic2aer geodetic2ecef geodetic2enu geodetic2ned ned2aer ned2ecef ned2ecefv ned2geodetic vreckon vdist azel2radec radec2azel
pip install pymap3d
Atmospheric effects neglected in all functions not invoking AstroPy. Planetary perturbations and nutation etc. not fully considered.