ESP8266 -> ESP12E -> NodeMCUv1.0
The Board and Chips:
This Boards uses the AI Thinker ESP12E to house its ESP8266
ESP8266 Chip Communication Software
Other options like Lua, Micropython ...
See Platform IO supported Framewoks
Install PlatformIO Plugin for VSCode
VSCode + PlatformIO Quickstart
PlatformIO espressif8266 File upload
Recommeded VSCode Plugins
- Code Spell Checker
- Error Gutters
- Error Lens
Educational Inspiration and Core Source for ESP8266
See above for:
HTTPS, etc
Password insecure (ideally use hashing and check server side)
Also http insecure (ran on local network though)
Note: Our code ignores some best practice like basic code checks. i.e. does the file exist, how large is it.
Note: Our code functions to get current timestamp for PST. Could also build in calander days or roll your own NTP server
NodeMCU ESP8266 Onboard LED Control
Random esp8266 password complexity guide
esp8266-web-server-spiffs-nodemcu tutorial