Data analysis tool for Geant4 simulation data. The MC-Analyzer
is a data processor for data generated by the MuensterTPC-MC
or other similar TPC MCs. This software stands under the BSD license (see LICENSE).
This software is only tested and intended for use with Linux (or Windows Subsystem for Linux). Various incompatibilities can occur on other operation systems. The MC-Analyzer
is an Jupyter notebook which uses the Data Analysis Framework ROOT
and thus requires an installation of ROOT
5.X and 6.X is supported) and Jupyter (Anaconda).
If the ROOT
environment and a notebook server is started you can continue reading, otherwise a proper installation of ROOT
in Anaconda is needed. (The old C++ based scripts are available through the version control.)
See the *.ipynb
files for analysis scripts and example plots.
You can simply view the generated simulation data with any version of ROOT
. Just type ..
new TBrowser
.. and navigate to the generated events.root
file. Now you can do the normal click and drag routine of ROOT
The input data file has an specific file format which is described in the following.
Name | type | description |
G4VERSION | TName | version of geant4 |
MC_TAG | TName | name of the simulation toolkit (if this key is not found XENON1T is assumed) |
Name | type | description |
nbevents | TParameter | number of simulated events |
Name | type | description |
eventid | int | event number |
ntpmthits | int | |
nbpmthits | int | |
pmthits | int | |
etot | float | total G4 energy deposit in this event |
nsteps | int | number of G4 steps |
trackid | int | track ID |
type | string | particle type |
parentid | int | track ID of parent |
parenttype | string | particle type of parent |
creaproc | string | process that created this particle |
edproc | string | process for this particular energy deposit |
xp | vector | x coordinate of energy deposit (mm) |
yp | vector | y coordinate of energy deposit (mm) |
zp | vector | z coordinate of energy deposit (mm) |
ed | vector | energy deposit (keV) |
time | vector | timestamp of the current particle/trackid |
type_pri | string | particle type of primary |
e_pri | vector | energy of primary (keV) |
xp_pri | vector | x coordinate of primary particle (mm) |
yp_pri | vector | y coordinate of primary particle (mm) |
zp_pri | vector | z coordinate of primary particle (mm) |