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Data Science Lab Notebook pipeline

On this project file you will find all the necessary artifacts to build an ec2 instance with a config rule and evaluates when a public IP is assigned in the instance. Additionally a CodePipeline can be provisioned to orchestrate the ec2 infrastructure.


The CodePipeline triggers when new code is merge in a branch (master by default) of a github repository. Afterwards it validates and lints the cloudformation templates. If the templates are in the correct state then it will trigger a CodeDeploy which will deploy the CloudFormation template for the ec2 and config resources. If the pipeline fails in any stage it will send an SNS topic notification to the given email address.

CodePipeline diagram

Bellow there are details of how to deploy and how each component has been implemented.


  • GNU make installed
  • AWS cli installed
  • python3.6+
  • pip
  • Environmental Variables: The following environmental variables need to be exported:
    • CODEPIPELINE_STACK_NAME The name of the codepipeline cloudformation stack
    • GITHUB_OWNER The owner/team/project name
    • GITHUB_REPO The source code github repository name to be used as Pipeline's source stage.
    • SNS_EMAIL_ADDRESS The email address to send sns notification events from the pipeline
    • EC2_SUBNET_ID The EC2 Subnet Id belonging in the VPC you want to use for the EC2 deployment.

The above env variables can be configured in the makefile.env file for convenience.

CodeDeploy requires some parameters to be set to be able to provision the EC2 and Config Resource. The Parameters can be set in the ec2-template-parameters.json file, located at the project root directory. Example of ec2-template-parameters.json:

  "Parameters": {
    "SubnetId": "subnet-07f5fa2adb810122e",
    "InstanceType": "t2.micro",
    "GoldenAmiIdSsmParameterName": "/latest/golden-ami-id",
    "EnableSSMSessionManager": "yes"

You can find more details of the above parameters in the Parameters section of the tempates/ec2.template.yaml template.

Deploying the Pipeline

The cloudformation template that deploys the CodePipeline resources is located at templates/pipeline.template.yaml. To deploy the codepipeline resources you can run the following command in the project root directory:

make create-pipeline 

Updating the Pipeline

If a change has been made in the CodePipeline CloudFormation template, you can update the CloudFormation stack by running:

make update-pipeline

Deleting the Pipeline

To delete the CodePipeline you can run: make delete-pipeline

What has been deployed?

  • An S3 bucket containing the artifacts of the pipeline.

  • An SSM parameter with the S3 bucket name as value, to be used on other stacks.

  • An SNS topic with an email subscription, to be used for notification of the pipeline. The email address of the recipient equals to SNS_EMAIL_ADDRESS.

  • IAM Roles for CodeBuild, CodePipeline and Cloudformation

  • A Github webhook which will trigger the CodePipeline when new code will be pushed in the given GITHUB_BRANCH.

  • An AWS CodePipeline with the following stages:

    1. Source Stage: Will be a Github repository matching a branch. When a new commit will be push in the defined GITHUB_BRANCH, the stage will pull the new code and trigger the next stage. The GITHUB_* env variables will be parsed in this stage.
    2. Test Stage: On the Test Stage CodeBuild Projects will be triggered which will lint and validate cloudformation templates.
    3. Deploy Stage: The Deploy Stage stage has 3 Actions:
      1. DeployEc2 Action: It will trigger and Cloudformation deployment for the datalake/template.yml cloudformation template, using the parameters.json configuration.

Validating the CFN templates manually

In the root of the project install the requirements.txt: pip install --upgrade requirements.txt Afterwards upgrade the cfn-lint database: cfn-lint -u -I Validate the templates: cfn-lint -I -o ./validate/cfn-lint/spec.json -a validate/cfn-lint/rules -t pipeline.yml templates/*.yml

There are some custom spec and rules to make the validation a bit more strict. - Alert if S3 buckets have no Encryption - Alert if Resources have no tags

What to improve

Improve the arguments and environment parsing for docker and cloudformation. Create different stages per environment and approval action. Implement integration tests for the application. Create CloudWatch alerts to send and SNS notification if a CodePipeline Stage fails.


AWS ec2 demo using codepipeline and config






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