1.1.6 (2019-10-24)
Update interface and version number
1.1.4 (2019-08-29)
Fix the version string in toc file.
Delete substring 'BL' in slash command because I am lazy.
Use POO for maintability
1.1.3 (2019-08-27)
Update localization french and traditional chinese
Fix error with Pet Cage
1.1.1 (2019-08-23)
Add interface options
Remove getSize and setSize slash command.
Add feature for coloring recipe in yellow if already know.
Add active spell of profession as tab frame.
Add traditional chinese localization
1.0.5 (2019-08-16)
Add runeforging at tab profession as a secondary profession.
1.0.4 (2019-08-05)
Add tab frame for switching profession.
1.0.3 (2019-08-01)
Clean the two checkbox when datasource of profession is changed.
Allow to hide sub-header but not header.
Add a feature to print a categoryID by a right click on it.
1.0.2 (2019-07-28)
Fix position of link button.
1.0.1 (2019-07-23)
Add two checkbox for 'Have materials' and 'Has skill up'.
Move RankFrame and FilterButton.
Fix the error when no recipe are selected and you press the 'recipeID' button.
Fix the default position of the frame in the middle left.
Fix some grammatical mistakes.
1.0.0 (2019-07-22)
You can’t perform that action at this time.