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Sean McIlvenna edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 4 revisions

Trifolia uses the Web.config file for configuration. Almost all configurable values are stored in the section of the Web.config, and can be overridden for custom/multiple environments/installations using a file called appSettings.user.config. The existance of the appSettings.user.config file overrides any values in the section of the Web.config.

Web.config appSettings config parameters

Config Param Description
DatabaseConnectionString The connection string to use for database connections. This is used instead of the section of the Web.config so that appSettings.user.config can override the connection string for different environments.
DefaultBaseUrl The URL that the application is intended to be deployed to. This is used by parts of the application that may not have access to the IIS hosting environment information.
CardinalityZeroToOne Default text to be used when generating narrative for a constraint that has a cardinality of 0..1
CardinalityOneToOne Default text to be used when generating narrative for a constraint that has a cardinality of 1..1
CardinalityAtLeastOne Default text to be used when generating narrative for a constraint that has a cardinality of 1..*
CardinalityZeroOrMore Default text to be used when generating narrative for a constraint that has a cardinality of 0..*
CardinalityZero Default text to be used when generating narrative for a constraint that has a cardinality of 0..0
IGTypeSchemaLocation The directory that is used to store the schemas loaded into Trifolia
PhinVadsServiceUrl The URL for PhinVads' soap service for administrative functionality to import value sets directly from PhinVads.
HL7RoseTreeLocation The location of the HL7 rose tree xml file used for administrative functionality to importing value sets from Rose Tree
MailEnableSSL Indicates if the mail server for Trifolia to send mail from is secured via SSL
EnableJiraSupport Whether or not JIRA should be enabled for support requests. Requires that the DefaultJira
SupportEmailTo Indicates if suppor requests should be sent via email to the this specified email address.
RedirectURL The URL that should be used for support requests when JIRA is not enabled and no support email address is specified.
OAuth2AuthorizationEndpoint The OAuth2 identity provider's authorization endpoint.
OAuth2TokenEndpoint The OAuth2 identity provider's token endpoint.
OAuth2UserInfoEndpoint An openid compliant userinfo endpoint that responds with information about the logged-in user.
OAuth2ClientIdentifier The OAuth2 client identitifer for the Trifolia application.
OAuth2ClientSecret The OAuth2 client secret for the Trifolia application.

Support request configuration

Three different options are available for capturing support requests in Trifolia:

JIRA Integration

JIRA can be integrated with Trifolia using the DefaultJira* config properties (listed above). When JIRA is integrated with Trifolia, any support requests will be automatically created as JIRA tickets in the configured project.

If the email address of the user logged into Trifolia exists in JIRA, then the reporter of the issue in JIRA will be set to that user. If no user exists with a matching URL, then the Name and Email of the logged-in user in Trifolia will be recorded in the description of the issue submitted to JIRA.


When a support request is submitted it is sent to the configured SupportRequestEmail email address. The name and email of the logged-in user in Trifolia is always recorded in the body of the email sent to the SupportRequestEmail address.

External website

When JIRA is not enabled and no SupportRequestEmail is configured, the support request system falls back to redirecting to the RedirectURL configured.