The web site content is managed by Content Management System (CMS).
Those pages can be changed by CMS.
- Home
- News list
- Events list
- Slide show pictures
- News
- Events
- Gallery
- Schedule
- Fees
The main features are
- Mobile ready.
- No middleware. Direct interaction of PHP with MySql.
- Dynamic HTML managed by javascript and jquery.
- Implemented script language to build rich web pages.
- Copy www/html folder to your web server
- Run db_scripts/create_sql_objects.sql script to generate a schema with tables and other sql objects
- Run db_scrips/data/*.sql scripts to fill out the tables with data
- Create a user with read-write permissions as per www/config.ini file
- Place www/config.ini file in secure location and grant access to your web server
- Generate a password for an admin or another user to access CMS
- BingSiteAuth.xml - Bing search engine file.
- .htaccess - Apache config file to hide file extensions in web browser.
- robots.txt - instruction to search engine: (1) don't index service folder where CMS code located and (2) location od site map file.
- sitemap.xml - instruction to search engine which pages to index and how often to do it.
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '[folder with pictures]'
sudo restorecon -v '[folder with pictures]'