Added whenHas
and whenFilled
methods to Illuminate\Http\Concerns\InteractsWithInput
class (#33829 )
Added email validating with custom class (#33835 )
Added Illuminate\View\ComponentAttributeBag::whereDoesntStartWith()
(#33851 )
Allow setting synchronous_commit for Postgres (#33897 )
Allow nested errors in Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse::assertJsonValidationErrors()
(#33989 )
Added support for stream reads to FilesystemManager
(#34001 )
Fix defaultTimezone not respected in scheduled Events (#33834 )
Fixed usage of Support Collection#countBy($key)
(#33852 )
Fixed route registerar bug (42ba0ef )
Fixed key composition for attribute with dot at validation error messages (#33932 )
Fixed the dump
method for LazyCollection
(#33944 )
Fixed dimension ratio calculation in Illuminate\Validation\Concerns\ValidatesAttributes::failsRatioCheck()
(#34003 )
Implement LockProvider on DatabaseStore (#33844 )
Publish resources.stub in stub:publish command (#33862 )
Handle argon failures robustly (#33856 )
Normalize scheme in Redis connections (#33892 )
Cast primary key to string when $keyType is string (#33930 )
Load anonymous components from packages (#33954 )
Check no-interaction flag exists and is true for Artisan commands (#33950 )
Deprecate Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::removeTableFromKey()
(#33859 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.