Added Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Casts/Attribute::make()
(#41014 )
Added Illuminate/Collections/Arr::keyBy()
(#41029 )
Added expectsOutputToContain to the PendingCommand. (#40984 )
Added ability to supply HTTP client methods with JsonSerializable instances (#41055 )
Added Illuminate/Filesystem/AwsS3V3Adapter::getClinet()
(#41079 )
Added Support for enum in Builder::whereRelation (#41091 )
Added X headers when using Mail::alwaysTo (#41101 )
Added of support Bitwise operators in query (#41112 )
Integrate Laravel CORS into framework (#41137 )
Added Illuminate/Support/Str::betweenFirst()
(#41144 )
Allow specifiying custom messages for Rule objects (#41145 )
Fixed Queue Failed_jobs insert issue with Exception contain UNICODE (#41020 )
Fixes attempt to log deprecations on mocks (#41057 )
Fixed loadAggregate not correctly applying casts (#41050 )
Do not transform JsonSerializable instances to array in HTTP client methods (#41077 )
Fix parsing config('database.connections.pgsql.search_path') (#41088 )
Eloquent: firstWhere returns Object instead of NULL (#41099 )
Fixed updated with provided qualified updated_at (#41133 )
Fix setPriority Call for MailChannel (#41120 )
Fixed route:list command output (#41177 )
Fix database migrations $connection property (#41161 )
Cursor pagination: convert original column to expression (#41003 )
Cast $perPage to integer on Paginator (#41073 )
Restore S3 client extra options (#41097 )
Use latest()
within notifications()
in Illuminate/Notifications/HasDatabaseNotifications.php
(#41095 )
Remove duplicate queries to find batch (#41121 )
Remove redundant check in FormRequest::validated() (#41115 )
Illuminate/Support/Facades/Storage::fake() changed (#41113 )
Use coalesce equal as provided by PHP >= 7.4 (#41174 )
Simplify some conditions with is_countable() (#41168 )
Pass AWS temporary URL options to createPresignedRequest method (#41156 )
Let Multiple* exceptions hold the number of records and items found (#41164 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.