Added Illuminate/Auth/GuardHelpers::forgetUser()
(#45208 )
Added sort option for schedule:list (#45198 )
Added ascii
and ulid
validation rules (#45218 )
Http client - allow to provide closure as "throwif" condition (#45251 )
Support '/' as a possible column name in database (#45268 )
Added Granular notifications queue connections (#45264 )
Add support for native rename/drop column commands (#45258 )
Add $encoding parameter to substr method (#45300 )
Use Macroable in Session facade (#45310 )
Fixed aliasing with cursor pagination (#45188 )
Fixed email verification request (#45227 )
Return 500 http error, instead of 200, when dotenv fails to load (#45235 )
Fixed bug on Job Batchs Table (#45263 )
Fixed schedule:list crash when call() is given class-string (#45306 )
Fixed Lack of Memory when failing a job with wrong variable passed on the method fail() (#45291 )
Fixed errors occurring when encrypted cookies has been tampered with (#45313 )
bug fix, change array_merge to array_replace to prevent reindex (#45309 )
Allow BusFake to use custom BusRepository (#45202 )
Improved error logging for unmatched routes and route not found (#45206 )
Improve assertSeeText and assertDontSeeText test methods (#45274 )
Improved Illuminate/Auth/SessionGuard::clearUserDataFromStorage()
(#45305 )
Allows shouldIgnoresDeprecationError() to be overriden (#45299 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.