ROS package for human pose estimation with Microsoft SimpleBaselines algorithm.
Realsense [use realsense docker]:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch
Luxonis [use depthai docker]
roslaunch depthai_ros_driver camera.launch
Note: set rs_compat:=true
before launching for luxonis.
If you want to launch human pose estimation run:
roslaunch hpe_ros_package hpe_trt_inference.launch
If you want to launch hand pose estimation:
roslaunch hpe_ros_package hand_trt_inference.launch
If you want to launch human pose estimation and hand pose estimation simultaneously run:
roslaunch hpe_ros_package hh_trt_inference.launch
- Publish predictions in the image space
- Lift predictions to the 3D space using camera depth
- Filter measurements by kalman or smthng