Audio-visual enabled recruitment framework, which assesses candidates automatically based on their responses, skill assessment, and their CV.
Current candidate pool is littered with spam. This is caused by over-reliance on CVs and other market factors, which can be mitigated by introducing novel assessment methods. By reducing the candidate pool by 90%, we can extract those, who are worth reviewing manually, and automatically but organically reject those, who wouldn't meet skill expectations otherwise.
- Video interview assessment & scoring logic
- Resume assessment logic
- Recruitment management database system (Video part)
in progress
- Webui for CV assessment
- Recruitment management database system (CV part)
- Resolve conflicts preventing simultaneous usage of video and cv modules
next goals
- Job boards API connectivity
- Integrate CV scoring with existing database system
- Scale AI workflow by breaking it up into docker workers
- Automatic video interview dispatching to assessed candidates
- Live-generated interview questions
- Make sure to have tesseract ocr command line utility installed on you machine.
- Use provided conda environment to download all required packages.
- Make sure to have
conda env create
conda activate AutomatedRecruitment
fastapi dev --host
- prerequisite:
Webui backend
cd webui
yarn start
conda activate AutomatedRecruitment
conda activate AutomatedRecruitment
This software is provided under Apache 2 license.
For further details, see attached "LICENSE" file.
Some of the template files are provided thanks to
None of the provided sample files are a part of this software, and are only provided as a supplementary reference data. None of the provided sample files are of completely original production. I do not claim the ownership of the provided data samples.