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Label                     Identifying key-value that is not directly part of the object syntax (e.g. projectname or version)
Annotation                Non-Identifying key-value that is not directly part of the object syntax (e.g. last modify timestamp)


Ingres Controller         Kubern
Pod                       Kubernetes unit, usually a Container with Volumes and Sidecars
  Container               Based on e.g. a Docker image; usually only one per pod
  Volume                  Some kind of storage
  Sidecar                 HTTP-Proxy or similar


Service                   Definition of an externally accessible port and load balancing.
Deployment                Definition of a Replica Set and Pod
Replica Set               Defines how many instances have to exist
Daemon Set                Defines that all nodes should run a specific Pod.
                          Used for infrastructure Pods like glusterd, logstash or collectd.
Config Map                Defines where other configurations can get config values from.
Secret                    Storage for secrets.

Access Configuration:

ServiceAccount            Definition of an account. Stores the access token in a Secret.
Role                      Role definition (e.g. "kube-system/admin") with specific access privileges
ClusterRole               Role for all namespaces of a cluster
RoleBinding               Binds a Service Account to a Role (e.g. "kube-system/cluster-admin")
ClusterRoleBinding        RoleBinding for all namespaces of a cluster
