This repository contains a helm chart that is used to deploy a dotnet core
application to kubernetes cluster. This chart can be extended to deploy any microservice written in any language as long as it accepts inputs and secrets (pulled from Azure Key vault) in form of environment variables.
It also supports pulling the secrets from Azure Key Vault (by using k8s csi plugin) and injecting them into the pod through volume mounts and environment variables.
This form of authentication is using temporary token to authenticate to the ACR. This is useful when you are using helm registry plugin to push the chart to ACR.
# Authenticate
PASSWORD=$(az acr login --name dsopublic --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken)
helm registry login \
--username $USER_NAME \
--password $PASSWORD
# Ensure the plugin is installed
helm plugin install
# CD to the parent directory containing the chart folder
cd ..
# Package the chart
helm package helm-k8s-chart_umbrella-dotnet_app
# Push the chart to ACR
helm push dotnet-app-0.2.0.tgz oci://
Installing the chart from ACR is not the same as installing from a helm registry. The following commands DO NOT
helm repo add myrepo oci://
helm repo update
helm install myapp myrepo/dotnet-app
Instead, you need to follow the below steps to install the chart from ACR.
# Ensure you are logged in to the ACR
helm install sample oci:// --version 0.2.0 --dry-run
helm upgrade sample oci:// --version 0.2.0 -f override_values.yaml