Target platforms: iOS and Android. Written in Angular and Ionic. PouchDB offline first persistent database, synchonzed with CouchDB instance on AWS.
This project is about app connecting to the following sleeve firmware:
- Refactored full codebase for readability
- Version used in CLT to test QSG
- This version is documented by Alice van Beukering
- Added Initial Pairing Flow
- Improved Bluetooth Stability
- Retry mechanism for bonding/pairing
- New Quick Start Guide (Style and Flow)
- Updated Syncing Behaviour with Sleeve
- Newest Synchronized Feeds are Annotated
- Improved Bluetooth behaviour
- Implemented QSG flow
- Dynamic state notifications with sleeve
- Implemented BLE service (Observables and Promises)
- Implemented correct app flow
- Added quick start guide wireframe
- Presistent local database (PouchDB).
- App session token is generated.
- Syncs session and feeds to AWS back-end (automatic one-way PouchDB->CouchDB synchronization).
- AWS instance running to sync the data.
- Username: admin; Password: admin.
- Back-end infrastructure changed to CouchDB and PouchDB (offline first persistent local database)
- Bonding from the app works on both iOS and Android.
- Android needs to read a characteristic to force bonding don/cordova-plugin-ble-central#127 (comment)
- Build Android not working aapt error Solution can be found
- Implemented BLE Transport Protocol
- Successfully sended a dummy firmware file.
- Improved BLE
- Implemented acknowledgement
- Added Meteor back-end
- Feeding Journal
- Add feeds manual
- Mock-up of data transfer/synchronization - with feed generator
- Tested with sleeve firmware commit 97fd634f064e2f0de16a925df1d267512bd997bb
- iOS 10, 11 and Android 7
- Initial application: bluetooth scanner with Philips branding.