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Inductive Reasoning with Text - Models

Table of Contents


We highly recommend using miniconda for python version control. All requirements and self-installation is defined in the requirements.txt.

conda create --name irtm python=3.9
conda activate irtm
pip install -r requirements.txt

There is now a command-line client installed: irtm. It handles the entry points for both pykeen based closed-world knowledge graph completion (kgc) and open-world kgc using a huggingface BERT transformer trained using pytorch-lightning. Each entry point is defined in the modules' If you do not like to use the CLI, you can look there to see the associated API entry point (e.g. for irtm kgc train, the invokes irt.kgc.trainer.train_from_kwargs, which in turn calls irt.trainer.train). The whole project follows this convention.

> irtm --help
Usage: irtm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  IRTM - working with texts and graphs

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  kgc   Closed-world knowledge graph completion
  text  Open-world knowledge graph completion using free text

A log file is written to data/irtm.log when using the CLI. You can configure the logger using conf/logging.conf.

Downloads and information

You can see the different validation/test results in the spreadsheet. For more training insights see the Weights&Biases result trackers for closed-world KGC and Mapper training. You can find a selection of these models in the legacy download section below (they use the pre-refactoring code).

The following models have been trained with the new code and are ready for use (W&B board):

Version Text Mapper Contexts Download hits@10
IRT-CDE masked multi 30 Link 42.41
IRT-FB masked multi 30 Link 36.00

Load a trained model

To load a model, a few steps are required. First, download the required dataset here and extract it somewhere. Then download one of the above models and put it somewhere else:

mkdir data
pushd data

# download files

# extract files
tar xzf cde.tgz
tar xzf mapper.cde.30.multi-cls.masked.tgz


You need to provide a small configuration file which points to the directories of the data you downloaded - and put it somewhere (e.g. data/config.yml):

dataset: data/irt.cde
out: data/2021.06.28-18.31.20
kgc_model: data/2021.06.28-18.31.20/distmult

Now you can load the model:

import pathlib
from irtm.text import mapper
from irtm.text.config import Config

# this overwrites the original file paths
config = Config.create(['data/2021.06.28-18.31.20/config.yml', 'data/config.yml'])
checkpoint = pathlib.Path(config.out) / 'weights/irtm-text/2xwchpsl/checkpoints/epoch=53-step=61559.ckpt'

# irtmod is the pytorch datamodule
# irtmc are the model components (upstream etc.)
irtmod, irtmc = mapper.load_from_config(config)
model = mapper.Mapper.load_from_checkpoint(str(checkpoint), irtmod=irtmod, irtmc=irtmc)

Et voilà!

Train your own model

The two-step approach is outlined in the following.

Closed-World Knowledge Graph Completion

The irtm.kgc module offers kgc functionality on top of pykeen.

 > irtm kgc train --help
Usage: irtm kgc train [OPTIONS]

  Train a knowledge graph completion model

  --config TEXT             yaml (see conf/kgc/*yml)  [required]
  --dataset TEXT            path to irt.Dataset folder  [required]
  --participate / --create  for multi-process optimization
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


You need an IRT dataset (see irt.Dataset) and configuration file (see conf/kgc/*.yml). Models are trained by simply providing these two arguments:

irtm kgc train \
  --config conf/kgc/irt.cde.distmult-sweep.yml \
  --dataset ../data/irt/irt.cde \
  --out data/kgc/irt-cde/distmult.sweep

This particular configuration starts a hyperparameter sweep (defining ranges/sets for the parameter space). If you want to have multiple instances (i.e. multiple gpus) train in parallel for the same sweep, simply invoke the same command adding --participate:

irtm kgc train \
  --config conf/kgc/irt.cde.distmult-sweep.yml \
  --dataset ../irt/data/irt/irt.cde \
  --out data/kgc/irt-cde/distmult.sweep \

To employ the hyperparameter configuration used for the model described in the paper, use the associated *-best.yml files.


To evaluate a trained model, use the irtm kgc evaluate command. This expects one or many directories containing trained models (e.g. all models of a sweep), runs an evaluation on one of the dataset's splits (e.g. "validation") and saves the results to a file:

irtm kgc evaluate \
  --dataset ../irt/data/irt/irt.cde \
  --out data/kgc/irt-cde/distmult.sweep \

Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion

The irtm.text module offers training for the text projector. You need to have a closed world KGC model trained with the irtm.kgc module as described here.

irtm text --help
Usage: irtm text [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Open-world knowledge graph completion using free text

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cli                Open an interactive python shell dataset: path to...
  evaluate           Evaluate a mapper on the test split
  evaluate-all       Run evaluations for all saved checkpoints
  evaluate-csv       Run evaluations based on a csv file
  resume             Resume training of a mapper
  train              Train a mapper to align embeddings

Command Line Interface

If you just want to play around a little bit and understand the datamodule, you can spawn an interactive ipython shell with the cli command:

irtm text cli --dataset ../irt/data/irt/irt.cde --model bert-base-cased [--mode masked]

IRT dataset:
IRT graph: [irt-cde] (17050 entities)
IRT split: closed_world=137388 | open_world-valid=41240 | open_world-test=27577
irt text: ~24.71 text contexts per entity

keen dataset: [irt-cde]: closed world=137388 | open world validation=41240 | open world testing=27577


variables in scope:
    ids: irt.Dataset
    kow: irt.KeenOpenworld
    tdm: irt.TorchModule

you can now play around, e.g.:

[1] dl = tdm.train_dataloader()
[2] gen = iter(dl)
[3] next(gen)


Training a mapper requires some configuration. You can find the configuration options extensively documented in conf/text/defaults.yml. The configuration used for the experiments documented in the paper is composed of the files in conf/text/irt*. You can pass an arbitrary amount of yml files via the -c parameter and the final configuration is created based on this sequence. Later configurations overwrite former ones. Single options can also be set directly via command line flag:

irtm text train --help
Usage: irtm text train [OPTIONS]

  Train a mapper to align embeddings

  --debug                         only test a model and do not log
  -c, --config TEXT               one or more configuration files
  --valid-split FLOAT
  --wandb-args--project TEXT
  --wandb-args--log-model BOOLEAN
  --trainer-args--gpus INTEGER
  --trainer-args--max-epochs INTEGER
  --trainer-args--fast-dev-run BOOLEAN
  (...) etc

We leave the configurations we used for the experiments as is for documentation. You certainly don't need to have it flexible like this and you can provide a single configuration file of course. But, for example, to train a 30-sentence multi-context mapper that uses an early stopper on a 24GB RAM GPU on IRT-CDE while overwriting the learning rate, you can combine the configuration like this:

irtm text train \
    -c conf/text/irt/defaults.yml \
    -c conf/text/irt/early_stopping.30.yml \
    -c conf/text/irt/cde.gpu.24g.train.30.yml \
    -c conf/text/irt/cde.yml \
    -c conf/text/irt/exp.m02.yml \
    --optimizer-args--lr 0.00005 \
    --mode masked


To evaluate the trained model, run any of the irtm text evaluate* commands. For example, to evaluate a single checkpoint, irtm evaluate requires the following parameters:

irtm text evaluate --help
Usage: irtm text evaluate [OPTIONS]

  Evaluate a mapper on the test split

  --path TEXT        path to model directory  [required]
  --checkpoint TEXT  path to model checkpoint  [required]
  -c, --config TEXT  one or more configuration files
  --debug            run everything fast, do not write anything
  --help             Show this message and exit.

So, for a trained model that is inside folder $dir:

irtm text evaluate \
  --path $dir \
  --checkpoint $dir/weights/.../epoch=...ckpt \
  -c $dir/config.yml \

This writes the evaluation results to a yaml file with a name according to the provided checkpoint. For example:

grep -E 'transductive|inductive|test|both.realistic.hits_at_10' $dir/report/evaluation.epoch=53-step=61559.ckpt.yml
    both.realistic.hits_at_10: 0.4268671193016489
    both.realistic.hits_at_10: 0.42410341951626357
    both.realistic.hits_at_10: 0.37879945846798846

Legacy Download

Selection of original models. You need the legacy datasets that can be found in the IRT repository. The code version required to load this data and these models is here. Contact me, if you need other models (see the spreadsheet) just drop me a message and I will extend this table:


Trained KGC-Model: Link

Version Text Mapper Contexts Download
IRT-CDE masked single 1 Link
IRT-CDE masked multi 30 Link
IRT-CDE masked single 30 Link


Trained KGC-Model: Link

Version Text Mapper Contexts Download
IRT-FB masked single 1 Link
IRT-FB masked multi 30 Link
IRT-FB masked single 30 Link


If this is useful to you, please consider a citation:

  title={Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion Benchmarks for Knowledge Discovery},
  author={Hamann, Felix and Ulges, Adrian and Krechel, Dirk and Bergmann, Ralph},
  booktitle={International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems},


IRT Models & Evaluation







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