This Dockerized Nginx setup acts as a reverse proxy to host multiple sites behind a single Nginx server. It enables you to easily manage and route incoming traffic to different backend services or containers using domain-based routing. Motivation was to quickly host several websites on one server for an event. I achieved this by running all containerized websites (wordpress,laravel,nodejs apps) behind one docker reverse proxy; all in one AWS Ec2 server instance.
Hosting Multiple Sites Behind a Single Nginx Server or to Implement basic load balancing to distribute incoming traffic across multiple backend(upstream) servers to improve the overall performance and reliability of your applications.
Requires docker to be running
git clone
cd airtime-api-kenya
Update the default.conf file according to your site configurations and upstream servers. Modify the upstream blocks and server blocks to reflect your desired routing configuration.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Ensure that your domain names are correctly mapped to the IP address of the host running the Docker container. Access your sites using the configured domain names. For example:
Customize the default.conf file to add more server blocks for additional sites or services. Update the Dockerfile and Nginx configurations as needed to suit your specific requirements.
For HTTPS support, you can configure SSL certificates for your domains and update the Nginx configuration accordingly. Remember to expose port 443 and handle SSL termination within Nginx
Add deployment limits to restrict amount of cpu, memory the containers will use.