TL;DR This is a generator of custom Russian dictionaries, based on reverse translit, and basic password analyzer.
You can download tool here
Lately there were many reports of password breaches in big resources, such as, and so on. One can easily find them on the Internet. Resource by Troy Hunt keeps track of the latest breaches.
These leaks are of great interest to information security researchers. We have great tools to analyze these dumps, such as pipal by @digininja, but none of them have ability to analyze password through one principle I am describing below.
Many Russian-speaking people use dictionary passwords, but based on 'reverse translit' (I don't know what really term is, just using this to refer to such principle). Basically when you have dual-layout keyboards such as following, you write Russian words in English layout.
So if English-speaking people look on these passwords, they look like gibberish:
- ghbdtn
- gfhjkm
- etc.
They are actually Russian words written in 'reverse translit':
- привет
- пароль
- и т.д.
Current tools doesn't have ability to find this kind of passwords, so I wrote a little Python tool over a weekend to accomplish this.
It's called "Custom Russian WordList Generator" and it does basically three things:
- downloads and cleans up Russian dictionary (based on ruscorpora and opencorpora)
- generates custom dictionaries in 'reverse translit'
- analyzes passwords leaks (not provided) and finds frequency of such passwords
It can be easily extended with new layouts and have also classical 'translit' mode. In the future I might convert it to pipal module (if it's possible).
In pentest, it's always useful to generate custom wordlists. With a combination of CeWl and CRWG you can build up some nice wordlists if you working with Russian-based companies and persons.
Also, you can just take top used 'reverse translit' passwords and use it at a custom dictionary.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download and clean up Russian dictionaries:
python --downloaddictionaries ruscorpora --autoclean
Generate dictionary:
python -g ru_inv_en -s ruscorporadict_stripped -d ruscorporadict_stripped_ru_inv_en
Generate statistics:
python -c --source 'someleakedpasswords' -d ./statistics --dictionary ruscorporadict_stripped_ru_inv_en
usage: [-h] [--gendic {ru_inv_en,translit,tran5l1t}]
[--downloaddictionaries {ruscorpora,opencorpora}] [--autoclean]
[--source SOURCE] [--destination DESTINATION]
[--dictionary DICTIONARY] [--compare_two_password_bases]
Custom Russian Wordlists Generator 0.3
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--gendic {ru_inv_en,translit,tran5l1t}, -g {ru_inv_en,translit,tran5l1t}
Generate dictionary from file
--downloaddictionaries {ruscorpora,opencorpora}
Download ruscorpora or opencorpora
--autoclean Autoclean downloaded dictionaries (English characters,
numbers, etc)
--source SOURCE, -s SOURCE
Source file
Destination file
--dictionary DICTIONARY
Dictionary file
--compare_two_password_bases, -c
Compare two password files
Usage: python -g ru_inv_en -s sourcedict -d destinationdict /or/
python --downloaddictionaries ruscorpora --autoclean /or/
For analysis I took,, gmail and sprashivai dumps.
Overall it was 26212007 passwords in these dump. There was 337767 passwords based on 'reverse translit', so it was ~1,28% of all the passwords combined.
Top-20 passwords are (count - password - Russian word - English word translated):
5421 gfhjkm пароль (password)
4674 ghbdtn привет (hello)
2409 fyfcnfcbz анастасия (Anastasiya)
2168 rhbcnbyf кристина (Kristina)
2157 vfrcbv максим (Maksim)
2000 rfrfirf какашка (poop/shit)
1863 vfhbyf марина (Marina)
1836 vfvjxrf мамочка (mommy)
1753 cjkysirj солнышко (sunny)
1663 dbrnjhbz виктория (Victoria)
1660 yfnfif наташа (Natasha)
1634 cghfibdfq спрашивай (sprashivai)
1630 ghbdtnbr приветик (hello there)
1498 fylhtq андрей (Andrei)
1405 fktrcfylh александр (Alexander)
1362 trfnthbyf екатерина (Ekaterina)
1266 k.,jdm любовь (love/Lyubov)
1214 ybrbnf никита (Nikita)
1159 hjvfirf ромашка (camomile)
1055 ghjcnj просто (just/simply)
As you see, nothing surprising - 'password' is the top one. A lot of users use their first names as the password. Password 'k.,jdm' can be interpreted as a word 'love' or female name 'Lyubov'.
The password 'спрашивай' is the name of service ( was the most popular of all services - 1634. For example, password 'zyltrc' (yandex) was used 80 times, 'zyltrche' ( - 3, 'vtqkhe' ( - 4 Surprisingly, password 'drjynfrnt' (vkontakte), popular Russian social service, was used 766 times but was not in the scope of leaked passwords.
Let's take Russian names dictionary and look at top-20 names:
2409 fyfcnfcbz анастасия (Anastasiya)
2168 rhbcnbyf кристина (Kristina)
2157 vfrcbv максим (Maksim)
1863 vfhbyf марина (Marina)
1498 fylhtq андрей (Andrey)
1405 fktrcfylh александр (Alexander)
1362 trfnthbyf екатерина (Ekaterina)
1266 k.,jdm любовь (Lyubov)
1214 ybrbnf никита (Nikita)
997 nfnmzyf татьяна (Tatyana)
989 fktrctq алексей (Alexey)
937 cthutq сергей (Sergey)
890 dthjybrf вероника (Veronika)
858 lvbnhbq дмитрий (Dmitry)
856 rfhbyf карина (Karina)
810 cdtnkfyf светлана (Svetlana)
766 gjkbyf полина (Polina)
744 rbhbkk кирилл (Kirill)
681 fyutkbyf ангелина (Angelina)
668 dfkthbz валерия (Valerya)
Top-20 locations (cities,countries):
338 hjccbz россия (Russia)
256 vjcrdf москва (Moscow)
192 vflfufcrfh мадагаскар (Madagascar)
136 erhfbyf украина (Ukraine)
128 cfvfhf самара (Samara)
126 vfhctkm марсель (Marseille)
100 djkujuhfl волгоград (Volgograd)
96 fvcnthlfv амстердам (Amsterdam)
88 ctdfcnjgjkm севастополь (Sevastopol)
85 kjyljy лондон (London)
85 rfhfufylf караганда (Karaganda)
78 lytghjgtnhjdcr днепропетровск (Dnipropetrovsk)
76 fynfyfyfhbde антананариву (Antananarivu)
73 bcgfybz испания (Spain)
72 vfyxtcnth манчестер (Manchester)
69 ahfywbz франция (France)
68 ,fhctkjyf барселона (Barcelona)
67 rfpfym казань (Kazan)
65 uthvfybz германия (Germany)
58 fdcnhfkbz австралия (Australia)
Surprisingly, Madagascar is Top-3 password (I have no explanation to this).
Password 'vfhctkm' (Marseille) can also be a male name.
Password 'fynfyfyfhbde' (Antananarivu) is surprising, but it's more not because of popularity of place itself, but due to song "Antananarivu" by Russian pop-star Zemfira.
Passwords of 'manchester' and 'barcelona' are also traditionally considered football-related due to overall popularity of MU and Barcelona FC.
Twitter: @lctrcl Github: