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Subcommand: lwr distribution

Lucas Czech edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 9 revisions

Print a summary table that represents the distribution of the likelihood weight ratios (LWRs) of all pqueries.

Usage: gappa examine lwr-distribution [options]


--jplace-path Required. TEXT:PATH(existing)=[] ...
List of jplace files or directories to process. For directories, only files with the extension .jplace[.gz] are processed.
--num-entries UINT=100
Number of entries representing the pqueries. This is the length of the output table, representing the pquery LWR distribution. If set to 0, or if the input has fewer pqueries that the given number, the output table will contain all pqueries.
--num-lwrs UINT=5
Number of LWRs per pquery to output (the most likely, second most likely, etc); all remaining LWRs are accumulated into the Remainder column. This is the number of LWR columns of the output table.
--numerical-sort FLAG
By default, we sort the entries in the output table using a weighted sum of the LWRs of each pquery, with weight 1 for the most likely LWR, weight 1/2 for the second most likely LWR, weight 1/3 for the third most likely, etc. If this option is set however, the entries in the output table are sorted by the most likely LWR first, then sorting identical entries by the second most likely LWR, and so forth.
--out-dir TEXT=.
Directory to write output files to.
--file-prefix TEXT
File prefix for output files. Most gappa commands use the command name as the base name for file output. This option amends the base name, to distinguish runs with different data.
--file-suffix TEXT
File suffix for output files. Most gappa commands use the command name as the base name for file output. This option amends the base name, to distinguish runs with different data.
Global Options
--allow-file-overwriting FLAG
Allow to overwrite existing output files instead of aborting the command.
--verbose FLAG
Produce more verbose output.
--threads UINT
Number of threads to use for calculations.
--log-file TEXT
Write all output to a log file, in addition to standard output to the terminal.


The command takes one or more jplace files, sorts all their pqueries by their likelihood weight ratios (LWRs), and produces a comma-separated summary table representing the distribution of LWRs in the output file lwr-distribution.csv.

We provide an R script to plot this distribution in a stacked area plot, see below for examples. This serves as a quality control check of the placement process, to visualize if the pqueries were confidently placed on the reference tree.


The pqueries of the input files are first sorted by their LWR. By default, we use a weighted sorting, where the most likely placement location (highest LWR) has weight 1, the second most likely has weight 1/2, the third most likely has weight 1/3, and so forth. This generally gives a sorting order that is reasonable to inspect visually. See --numerical-sort for an alternative sorting order that focuses more on the most likely (highest LWR) placement location.

In the sorting process, multiplicities of each pquery are ignored, as we are here interested in a per-pquery distribution. Pqueries with multiple names are added multiple times to the sorted list.

After the sorting, --num-entries many representative pqueries are picked at equidistant positions in the list, which serve as representatives of the total LWR distribution of all pqueries. This is the length of the output list; the higher this value, the more detail can be visualized.

The columns of the table contain the sorting Index of each representative pquery, the Sample that the pquery is from (i.e., the base name of the input jplace file), its PqueryName, as well as the LWR entries, sorted from most likely to least likely placement location, named LWR.1 to LWR.n, with --num-lwrs of the most likely LWRs, followed by a Remainder column that contains the accumulated sum of all remaining LWRs that are present in the input file for the given pquery.

Using the R script to plot the resulting table, we get a stacked area plot showing the LWR distribution, as shown in the examples below. The script expects the table file name and an output file base name (without extension) as arguments.

Exemplary Visualization 1

Using an exemplary dataset, a resulting plot might look like this:

Likehood Weight Ratio (LWR) distribution.

Along the x-axis, the sorted (representative) pqueries are listed, with the index denoting their sorting order. The y-axis shows the stacked (accumulated) LWR at each pquery. Increasing the number of entries in the output table (--num-entries) increases the resolution along the x-axis of the plot, by including more pqueries.

In the exemplary plot above, the first ~20 pqueries (leftmost part of the plot) have all their LWR in the most likely placement position (the stacked plot only contains LWR.1); this indicates that these pqueries have been confidently placed on one branch of the referen tree.

Furthermore, about half of the pqueries (left half of the plot) have almost all their placement mass (LWRs) within the first three most likely placement locations; in other words, the first three LWRs account for almost all the of the stacked distribution. This indicates that these pqueries have been placed on the reference tree with some ambiguity between up to three branches, but are generally well placed.

The right half of the plot shows pqueries that have more of their distribution in the Remainder. This indicates that their placement is more uncertain.

Note that the plot does not show how far the individual placement locations that correspond to these LWRs are from each other on the reference tree; to this end, metrics such as the Expected Distance between Placement Locations (EDPL) are better suited.

Exemplary Visualization 2

Another exemplary dataset might yield this plot:

Likehood Weight Ratio (LWR) distribution.

Here, the distribution is much less certain than in the first dataset: Only few pqueries are certainly placed, and for the majority of the pqueries, the first five most likely placement positions (five LWRs) do not contain most of the placement distribution; almost all the distribution is in the Remainder.

As the LWRs per pquery are sorted, this means that the placements in this example are very uncertain. Note that the second most likely LWR cannot be above 0.5 (as otherwise it would be the most likely); the thirst most likely not above 1/3 (as otherwise it would be the second most likely); and so forth. Hence, the Remainder contains the sum of many very small LWR values, indicating a very flat and uncertain distribution for the pqueries on the right hand side of the plot.

For this particular plot, we used a jplace file that includes up to 100 of the most likely placement locations. Note that typically, the placement algorithm cuts off the output at a lower number of placement locations, which means that the accumulated LWRs in the file do not sum up to 1.0 any more. This can also be seen in the plot above: Even with 100 locations in the input file, not all of the LWR distribution is accounted for. There is still a white area above the Remainder that contains the missing LWRs in order to stack up to 1.0.


When using this method, please do not forget to cite

Lucas Czech, Pierre Barbera, Alexandros Stamatakis. Genesis and Gappa: Processing, Analyzing and Visualizing Phylogenetic (Placement) Data. Bioinformatics, 2020. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa070

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