This app provides an example of how to use the MetaWear API. It uses the sample BluetoothLeGatt app on the Android developer page as a reference.
Current version is: 2.1
The API was created with Android Developer Tools v22.6.2-1085508. It is targeted for Android 4.4.2 (API 19) SDK with Android 4.3 (API 18) as the minimum required SDK and requires a JDK compiler compliance level of 1.7. To build the project, you will need to download the MetaWear API and configure the example app to include the API in the build path. More information on configuring the build is available in the "Getting Started" guide, available on the MbientLab website:
By default, the app is configured to refer to the MetaWear API Eclipse project. You may change it to link to the jar instead if you do not plan on modifying the API code.