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goens committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 7256ecb commit 87423d2
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Showing 26 changed files with 39 additions and 40 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Associated/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ section CommMonoid
variable [CommMonoid M]

instance instMul : Mul (Associates M) :=
⟨Quotient.map₂ (· * ·) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ mul_mul h₁ h₂⟩
⟨Quotient.map₂ (· * ·) fun _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂ ↦ h₁.mul_mul h₂⟩

theorem mk_mul_mk {x y : M} : x * y = (x * y) :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Category/Grp/Colimits.lean
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Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ instance : Neg (ColimitType.{w} F) where
neg := neg Relation.neg_1

instance : Add (ColimitType.{w} F) where
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' y _y' rx ry =>
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' rx y _y' ry =>
Setoid.trans (Relation.add_1 _ _ y rx) (Relation.add_2 x' _ _ ry)

instance : AddCommGroup (ColimitType.{w} F) where
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Algebra/Category/MonCat/Colimits.lean
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Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ instance : Inhabited (ColimitType F) := by

instance monoidColimitType : Monoid (ColimitType F) where
one := _ one
mul := Quotient.map₂ mul fun _ x' y _ rx ry =>
mul := Quotient.map₂ mul fun _ x' rx y _ ry =>
Setoid.trans (Relation.mul_1 _ _ y rx) (Relation.mul_2 x' _ _ ry)
one_mul := Quotient.ind fun _ => Quotient.sound <| Relation.one_mul _
mul_one := Quotient.ind fun _ => Quotient.sound <| Relation.mul_one _
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Category/Ring/Colimits.lean
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Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def ColimitType : Type v :=
instance ColimitType.instZero : Zero (ColimitType F) where zero := _ zero

instance ColimitType.instAdd : Add (ColimitType F) where
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' y _y' rx ry =>
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' rx y _y' ry =>
Setoid.trans (Relation.add_1 _ _ y rx) (Relation.add_2 x' _ _ ry)

instance ColimitType.instNeg : Neg (ColimitType F) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ def ColimitType : Type v :=
instance ColimitType.instZero : Zero (ColimitType F) where zero := _ zero

instance ColimitType.instAdd : Add (ColimitType F) where
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' y _y' rx ry =>
add := Quotient.map₂ add <| fun _x x' rx y _y' ry =>
Setoid.trans (Relation.add_1 _ _ y rx) (Relation.add_2 x' _ _ ry)

instance ColimitType.instNeg : Neg (ColimitType F) where
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/GCDMonoid/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1315,8 +1315,8 @@ namespace Associates
variable [CancelCommMonoidWithZero α] [GCDMonoid α]

instance instGCDMonoid : GCDMonoid (Associates α) where
gcd := Quotient.map₂' gcd fun _ _ _ _ (ha : Associated _ _) (hb : Associated _ _) => ha.gcd hb
lcm := Quotient.map₂' lcm fun _ _ _ _ (ha : Associated _ _) (hb : Associated _ _) => ha.lcm hb
gcd := Quotient.map₂' gcd fun _ _ (ha : Associated _ _) _ _ (hb : Associated _ _) => ha.gcd hb
lcm := Quotient.map₂' lcm fun _ _ (ha : Associated _ _) _ _ (hb : Associated _ _) => ha.lcm hb
gcd_dvd_left := by rintro ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩; exact mk_le_mk_of_dvd (gcd_dvd_left _ _)
gcd_dvd_right := by rintro ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩; exact mk_le_mk_of_dvd (gcd_dvd_right _ _)
dvd_gcd := by
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Mathlib/Algebra/Order/CauSeq/Completion.lean
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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ theorem mk_eq_zero {f : CauSeq _ abv} : mk f = 0 ↔ LimZero f := by
rwa [sub_zero] at this

instance : Add (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨(Quotient.map₂ (· + ·)) fun _ _ _ _ hf hg => add_equiv_add hf hg⟩
⟨(Quotient.map₂ (· + ·)) fun _ _ hf _ _ hg => add_equiv_add hf hg⟩

theorem mk_add (f g : CauSeq β abv) : mk f + mk g = mk (f + g) :=
Expand All @@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ theorem mk_neg (f : CauSeq β abv) : -mk f = mk (-f) :=

instance : Mul (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨(Quotient.map₂ (· * ·)) fun _ _ _ _ hf hg => mul_equiv_mul hf hg⟩
⟨(Quotient.map₂ (· * ·)) fun _ _ hf _ _ hg => mul_equiv_mul hf hg⟩

theorem mk_mul (f g : CauSeq β abv) : mk f * mk g = mk (f * g) :=

instance : Sub (Cauchy abv) :=
⟨(Quotient.map₂ Sub.sub) fun _ _ _ _ hf hg => sub_equiv_sub hf hg⟩
⟨(Quotient.map₂ Sub.sub) fun _ _ hf _ _ hg => sub_equiv_sub hf hg⟩

theorem mk_sub (f g : CauSeq β abv) : mk f - mk g = mk (f - g) :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/EllipticCurve/Jacobian.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ variable (W') in
/-- The addition of two point classes. If `P` is a point representative,
then `W.addMap ⟦P⟧ ⟦Q⟧` is definitionally equivalent to `W.add P Q`. -/
noncomputable def addMap (P Q : PointClass R) : PointClass R :=
Quotient.map₂ W'.add (fun _ _ _ _ hP hQ => add_equiv hP hQ) P Q
Quotient.map₂ W'.add (fun _ _ hP _ _ hQ => add_equiv hP hQ) P Q

lemma addMap_eq (P Q : Fin 3 → R) : W'.addMap ⟦P⟧ ⟦Q⟧ = ⟦W'.add P Q⟧ :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/EllipticCurve/Projective.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ variable (W') in
/-- The addition of two point classes. If `P` is a point representative,
then `W.addMap ⟦P⟧ ⟦Q⟧` is definitionally equivalent to `W.add P Q`. -/
noncomputable def addMap (P Q : PointClass R) : PointClass R :=
Quotient.map₂ W'.add (fun _ _ _ _ hP hQ => add_equiv hP hQ) P Q
Quotient.map₂ W'.add (fun _ _ hP _ _ hQ => add_equiv hP hQ) P Q

lemma addMap_eq (P Q : Fin 3 → R) : W'.addMap ⟦P⟧ ⟦Q⟧ = ⟦W'.add P Q⟧ :=
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Monoidal/Free/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ open FreeMonoidalCategory.HomEquiv
instance categoryFreeMonoidalCategory : Category.{u} (F C) where
Hom X Y := Quotient (FreeMonoidalCategory.setoidHom X Y)
id X := ⟦ X⟧
comp := Quotient.map₂ Hom.comp (fun _ _ _ _ hf hg ↦ HomEquiv.comp hf hg)
comp := Quotient.map₂ Hom.comp (fun _ _ hf _ _ hg ↦ HomEquiv.comp hf hg)
id_comp := by
rintro X Y ⟨f⟩
exact Quotient.sound (id_comp f)
Expand All @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ instance categoryFreeMonoidalCategory : Category.{u} (F C) where

instance : MonoidalCategory (F C) where
tensorObj X Y := FreeMonoidalCategory.tensor X Y
tensorHom := Quotient.map₂ Hom.tensor (fun _ _ _ _ hf hg ↦ HomEquiv.tensor hf hg)
tensorHom := Quotient.map₂ Hom.tensor (fun _ _ hf _ _ hg ↦ HomEquiv.tensor hf hg)
whiskerLeft X _ _ f := (fun f ↦ Hom.whiskerLeft X f) (fun f f' ↦ .whiskerLeft X f f') f
whiskerRight f Y := (fun f ↦ Hom.whiskerRight f Y) (fun f f' ↦ .whiskerRight f f' Y) f
tensorHom_def := by
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Skeletal.lean
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Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ def map₂ObjMap (F : C ⥤ D ⥤ E) : ThinSkeleton C → ThinSkeleton D → Thi
fun x y =>
@Quotient.map₂ C D (isIsomorphicSetoid C) (isIsomorphicSetoid D) E (isIsomorphicSetoid E)
(fun X Y => (F.obj X).obj Y)
(fun X₁ _ _ Y₂ ⟨hX⟩ ⟨hY⟩ => ⟨(F.obj X₁).mapIso hY ≪≫ (F.mapIso hX).app Y₂⟩) x y
(fun X₁ _ ⟨hX⟩ _ Y₂ ⟨hY⟩ => ⟨(F.obj X₁).mapIso hY ≪≫ (F.mapIso hX).app Y₂⟩) x y

/-- For each `x : ThinSkeleton C`, we promote `map₂ObjMap F x` to a functor -/
def map₂Functor (F : C ⥤ D ⥤ E) : ThinSkeleton C → ThinSkeleton D ⥤ ThinSkeleton E :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/Quot.lean
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Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ to a function `f : Quotient sa → Quotient sb → Quotient sc`.
Useful to define binary operations on quotients. -/
protected def map₂ (f : α → β → γ) (h : ∀ ⦃a₁ a₂⦄, a₁ ≈ a₂ → ∀ ⦃b₁ b₂⦄, b₁ ≈ b₂ → f a₁ b₁ ≈ f a₂ b₂) :
Quotient sa → Quotient sb → Quotient sc :=
Quotient.lift₂ (fun x y ↦ ⟦f x y⟧) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ Quot.sound <| h h₁ h₂
Quotient.lift₂ (fun x y ↦ ⟦f x y⟧) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ Quot.sound <| h _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂

theorem map₂_mk (f : α → β → γ)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Data/Real/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ instance nontrivial : Nontrivial ℝ :=

private irreducible_def sup : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ
| ⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩ => ⟨Quotient.map₂ (· ⊔ ·) (fun _ _ _ _ hx hy => sup_equiv_sup hx hy) x y⟩
| ⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩ => ⟨Quotient.map₂ (· ⊔ ·) (fun _ _ hx _ _ hy => sup_equiv_sup hx hy) x y⟩

instance : Max ℝ :=
Expand All @@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ theorem mk_sup (a b) : (mk (a ⊔ b) : ℝ) = mk a ⊔ mk b :=
ofCauchy_sup _ _

private irreducible_def inf : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ
| ⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩ => ⟨Quotient.map₂ (· ⊓ ·) (fun _ _ _ _ hx hy => inf_equiv_inf hx hy) x y⟩
| ⟨x⟩, ⟨y⟩ => ⟨Quotient.map₂ (· ⊓ ·) (fun _ _ hx _ _ hy => inf_equiv_inf hx hy) x y⟩

instance : Min ℝ :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Data/Setoid/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ equivalence relations. -/
def prodQuotientEquiv (r : Setoid α) (s : Setoid β) :
Quotient r × Quotient s ≃ Quotient ( s) where
toFun := fun (x, y) ↦ Quotient.map₂' (fun _ _ _ _ hx hy ↦ ⟨hx, hy⟩) x y
toFun := fun (x, y) ↦ Quotient.map₂' (fun _ _ hx _ _ hy ↦ ⟨hx, hy⟩) x y
invFun := fun q ↦ Quotient.liftOn' q (fun xy ↦ ('' xy.1,'' xy.2))
fun x y hxy ↦ Prod.ext (by simpa using hxy.1) (by simpa using hxy.2)
left_inv := fun q ↦ by
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Congruence/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ protected theorem eq {a b : M} : (a : c.Quotient) = (b : c.Quotient) ↔ c a b :
@[to_additive "The addition induced on the quotient by an additive congruence relation on a type
with an addition."]
instance hasMul : Mul c.Quotient :=
⟨Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) fun _ _ _ _ h1 h2 => c.mul h1 h2⟩
⟨Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) fun _ _ h1 _ _ h2 => c.mul h1 h2⟩

/-- The kernel of the quotient map induced by a congruence relation `c` equals `c`. -/
@[to_additive (attr := simp) "The kernel of the quotient map induced by an additive congruence
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ instance hasInv : Inv c.Quotient :=
@[to_additive "The subtraction induced on the quotient by an additive congruence relation on a type
with a subtraction."]
instance hasDiv : Div c.Quotient :=
⟨(Quotient.map₂' (· / ·)) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ => c.div h₁ h₂⟩
⟨(Quotient.map₂' (· / ·)) fun _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂ => c.div h₁ h₂⟩

/-- The integer scaling induced on the quotient by a congruence relation on a type with a
subtraction. -/
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Coset/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -377,14 +377,14 @@ def quotientEquivProdOfLE' (h_le : s ≤ t) (f : α ⧸ t → α)
⟨' id fun _ _ h => leftRel_apply.mpr (h_le ( h)),' (fun g : α => ⟨(f ('' g))⁻¹ * g, (Quotient.exact' (hf g))⟩)
fun b c h => by
simp only [HasEquiv.Equiv]; rw [leftRel_apply]
rw [leftRel_apply]
change ((f b)⁻¹ * b)⁻¹ * ((f c)⁻¹ * c) ∈ s
have key : f b = f c :=
congr_arg f (Quotient.sound' (leftRel_apply.mpr (h_le ( h))))
rwa [key, mul_inv_rev, inv_inv, mul_assoc, mul_inv_cancel_left, ← leftRel_apply]⟩
invFun a := by
refine' (fun (b : { x // x ∈ t}) => f a.1 * b) fun b c h => by
simp only [HasEquiv.Equiv] at *; rw [leftRel_apply] at *
rw [leftRel_apply] at h ⊢
change (f a.1 * b)⁻¹ * (f a.1 * c) ∈ s
rwa [mul_inv_rev, mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel_left]
left_inv := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ def quotientSubgroupOfEmbeddingOfLE (H : Subgroup α) (h : s ≤ t) :
s ⧸ H.subgroupOf s ↪ t ⧸ H.subgroupOf t where
toFun :=' (inclusion h) fun a b => by
simp_rw [HasEquiv.Equiv, leftRel_eq]
simp_rw [leftRel_eq]
exact id
inj' :=
Quotient.ind₂' <| by
Expand All @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ theorem quotientSubgroupOfEmbeddingOfLE_apply_mk (H : Subgroup α) (h : s ≤ t)
def quotientSubgroupOfMapOfLE (H : Subgroup α) (h : s ≤ t) :
H ⧸ s.subgroupOf H → H ⧸ t.subgroupOf H :=' id fun a b => by
simp_rw [HasEquiv.Equiv, leftRel_eq]
simp_rw [leftRel_eq]
apply h

-- Porting note: I had to add the type ascription to the right-hand side or else Lean times out.
Expand All @@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ theorem quotientSubgroupOfMapOfLE_apply_mk (H : Subgroup α) (h : s ≤ t) (g :
@[to_additive "If `s ≤ t`, then there is a map `α ⧸ s → α ⧸ t`."]
def quotientMapOfLE (h : s ≤ t) : α ⧸ s → α ⧸ t :=' id fun a b => by
simp_rw [HasEquiv.Equiv, leftRel_eq]
simp_rw [leftRel_eq]
apply h

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/GroupTheory/Coset/Defs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ instance rightRelDecidable [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)] : DecidableRel (rightRel s
def quotientRightRelEquivQuotientLeftRel : Quotient (QuotientGroup.rightRel s) ≃ α ⧸ s where
toFun :=' (fun g => g⁻¹) fun a b => by
simp only [HasEquiv.Equiv]; rw [leftRel_apply, rightRel_apply]
rw [leftRel_apply, rightRel_apply]
exact fun h => (congr_arg (· ∈ s) (by simp [mul_assoc])).mp (s.inv_mem h)
-- Porting note: replace with `by group`
invFun :=' (fun g => g⁻¹) fun a b => by
simp only [HasEquiv.Equiv]; rw [leftRel_apply, rightRel_apply]
rw [leftRel_apply, rightRel_apply]
exact fun h => (congr_arg (· ∈ s) (by simp [mul_assoc])).mp (s.inv_mem h)
-- Porting note: replace with `by group`
left_inv g :=
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Projectivization/Constructions.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ variable [DecidableEq F]
/-- Cross product on the projective plane. -/
def cross : ℙ F (Fin 3 → F) → ℙ F (Fin 3 → F) → ℙ F (Fin 3 → F) :=
Quotient.map₂' (fun v w ↦ if h : crossProduct v.1 w.1 = 0 then v else ⟨crossProduct v.1 w.1, h⟩)
(fun _ _ _ _ ⟨a, ha⟩ ⟨b, hb⟩ ↦ by
(fun _ _ ⟨a, ha⟩ _ _ ⟨b, hb⟩ ↦ by
simp_rw [← ha, ← hb, LinearMap.map_smul_of_tower, LinearMap.smul_apply, smul_smul,
mul_comm b a, smul_eq_zero_iff_eq]
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Mathlib/NumberTheory/RamificationInertia/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ noncomputable def quotientToQuotientRangePowQuotSuccAux {i : ℕ} {a : S} (a_mem
(P ^ i).map ( (P ^ e)) ⧸ LinearMap.range (powQuotSuccInclusion f p P i) :=' (fun x : S => ⟨_, Ideal.mem_map_of_mem _ (Ideal.mul_mem_right x _ a_mem)⟩)
fun x y h => by
simp only [HasEquiv.Equiv] at *
rw [Submodule.quotientRel_def] at h ⊢
simp only [_root_.map_mul, LinearMap.mem_range]
refine ⟨⟨_, Ideal.mem_map_of_mem _ (Ideal.mul_mem_mul a_mem h)⟩, ?_⟩
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Order/Filter/Germ/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ theorem map_map (op₁ : γ → δ) (op₂ : β → γ) (f : Germ l β) :

/-- Lift a binary function `β → γ → δ` to a function `Germ l β → Germ l γ → Germ l δ`. -/
def map₂ (op : β → γ → δ) : Germ l β → Germ l γ → Germ l δ :=
Quotient.map₂' (fun f g x => op (f x) (g x)) fun f f' g g' Hf Hg =>
Quotient.map₂' (fun f g x => op (f x) (g x)) fun f f' Hf g g' Hg => <| Hf.mono fun x Hf Hg => by simp only [Hf, Hg]

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/RingTheory/GradedAlgebra/HomogeneousLocalization.lean
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Expand Up @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ instance hasPow : Pow (HomogeneousLocalization 𝒜 x) ℕ where
instance : Add (HomogeneousLocalization 𝒜 x) where
add :=
Quotient.map₂' (· + ·)
fun c1 c2 c3 c4 (h : _ _ = _ _)
fun c1 c2 (h : _ _ = _ _) c3 c4
(h' : _ _ = _ _) => by
change _ _ = _ _
simp only [num_add, den_add, ← Localization.add_mk]
Expand All @@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ instance : Sub (HomogeneousLocalization 𝒜 x) where sub z1 z2 := z1 + -z2
instance : Mul (HomogeneousLocalization 𝒜 x) where
mul :=
Quotient.map₂' (· * ·)
fun c1 c2 c3 c4 (h : _ _ = _ _)
fun c1 c2 (h : _ _ = _ _) c3 c4
(h' : _ _ = _ _) => by
change _ _ = _ _
simp only [num_mul, den_mul]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ theorem map_mk (f : Type u → Type v) (hf : ∀ α β, α ≃ β → f α ≃ f
/-- Lift a binary operation `Type* → Type* → Type*` to a binary operation on `Cardinal`s. -/
def map₂ (f : Type u → Type v → Type w) (hf : ∀ α β γ δ, α ≃ β → γ ≃ δ → f α γ ≃ f β δ) :
Cardinal.{u} → Cardinal.{v} → Cardinal.{w} :=
Quotient.map₂ f fun α β γ δ ⟨e₁⟩ ⟨e₂⟩ => ⟨hf α β γ δ e₁ e₂⟩
Quotient.map₂ f fun α β ⟨e₁⟩ γ δ ⟨e₂⟩ => ⟨hf α β γ δ e₁ e₂⟩

/-- We define the order on cardinal numbers by `#α ≤ #β` if and only if
there exists an embedding (injective function) from α to β. -/
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/SetTheory/Game/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ instance : Neg Game where

instance : Zero Game where zero := ⟦0
instance : Add Game where
add := Quotient.map₂ HAdd.hAdd <| fun _ _ _ _ hx hy => PGame.add_congr hx hy
add := Quotient.map₂ HAdd.hAdd <| fun _ _ hx _ _ hy => PGame.add_congr hx hy

instance instAddCommGroupWithOneGame : AddCommGroupWithOne Game where
zero := ⟦0
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/SetTheory/ZFC/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ theorem eq_empty_or_nonempty (u : ZFSet) : u = ∅ ∨ u.Nonempty := by
/-- `Insert x y` is the set `{x} ∪ y` -/
protected def Insert : ZFSet → ZFSet → ZFSet :=
Quotient.map₂ PSet.insert
fun _ _ ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ uv ⟨αβ, βα⟩ =>
fun _ _ uv ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨αβ, βα⟩ =>
fun o =>
match o with
| some a =>
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/SeparationQuotient/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ variable {M : Type*} [TopologicalSpace M]

instance instMul [Mul M] [ContinuousMul M] : Mul (SeparationQuotient M) where
mul := Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ Inseparable.mul h₁ h₂
mul := Quotient.map₂' (· * ·) fun _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂ ↦ Inseparable.mul h₁ h₂

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem mk_mul [Mul M] [ContinuousMul M] (a b : M) : mk (a * b) = mk a * mk b := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ instance instInvOneClass [InvOneClass G] [ContinuousInv G] :

instance instDiv [Div G] [ContinuousDiv G] : Div (SeparationQuotient G) where
div := Quotient.map₂' (· / ·) fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ ↦ ( h₁ h₂).map continuous_div'
div := Quotient.map₂' (· / ·) fun _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂ ↦ ( h₁ h₂).map continuous_div'

@[to_additive (attr := simp)]
theorem mk_div [Div G] [ContinuousDiv G] (x y : G) : mk (x / y) = mk x / mk y := rfl
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/Homotopy/Path.lean
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Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ instance : Inhabited (Homotopic.Quotient () ()) :=
/-- The composition of path homotopy classes. This is `Path.trans` descended to the quotient. -/
def Quotient.comp (P₀ : Path.Homotopic.Quotient x₀ x₁) (P₁ : Path.Homotopic.Quotient x₁ x₂) :
Path.Homotopic.Quotient x₀ x₂ :=
Quotient.map₂ Path.trans (fun (_ : Path x₀ x₁) _ (_ : Path x₁ x₂) _ hp hq => hcomp hp hq) P₀ P₁
Quotient.map₂ Path.trans (fun (_ : Path x₀ x₁) _ hp (_ : Path x₁ x₂) _ hq => hcomp hp hq) P₀ P₁

theorem comp_lift (P₀ : Path x₀ x₁) (P₁ : Path x₁ x₂) : ⟦P₀.trans P₁⟧ = Quotient.comp ⟦P₀⟧ ⟦P₁⟧ :=
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Topology/Homotopy/Product.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def prodHomotopy (h₁ : Path.Homotopy p₁ p₁') (h₂ : Path.Homotopy p₂ p
/-- The product of path classes q₁ and q₂. This is `` descended to the quotient. -/
def prod (q₁ : Path.Homotopic.Quotient a₁ a₂) (q₂ : Path.Homotopic.Quotient b₁ b₂) :
Path.Homotopic.Quotient (a₁, b₁) (a₂, b₂) :=
Quotient.map₂ (fun _ _ _ _ h₁ h₂ => Nonempty.map2 prodHomotopy h₁ h₂) q₁ q₂
Quotient.map₂ (fun _ _ h₁ _ _ h₂ => Nonempty.map2 prodHomotopy h₁ h₂) q₁ q₂

variable (p₁ p₁' p₂ p₂')

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