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fix: don't issue atomic id completions when there is a dangling dot #1846

fix: don't issue atomic id completions when there is a dangling dot

fix: don't issue atomic id completions when there is a dangling dot #1846

name: Restart by label
- unlabeled
- labeled
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: contains(, 'merge-ci') || contains(, 'release-ci')
- run: |
# Finding latest CI workflow run on current pull request
# (unfortunately cannot search by PR number, only base branch,
# and that is't even unique given PRs from forks, but the risk
# of confusion is low and the danger is mild)
echo "Trying to find a run with branch $head_ref and commit $head_sha"
run_id="$(gh run list -e pull_request -b "$head_ref" -c "$head_sha" \
--workflow 'CI' --limit 1 --json databaseId --jq '.[0].databaseId')"
echo "Run id: ${run_id}"
gh run view "$run_id"
echo "Cancelling (just in case)"
gh run cancel "$run_id" || echo "(failed)"
echo "Waiting for 30s"
sleep 30
gh run view "$run_id"
echo "Rerunning"
gh run rerun "$run_id"
gh run view "$run_id"
shell: bash
head_ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
head_sha: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }}