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nomeata committed Jan 23, 2024
2 parents 134b1bf + feda615 commit 4c2a6bb
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Showing 10 changed files with 164 additions and 71 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Simprocs can be scoped, manually added to `simp` commands, and suppressed using
example : x + foo 2 = 12 + x := by
set_option simprocs false in
/- This `simp` command does make progress since `simproc`s are disabled. -/
/- This `simp` command does not make progress since `simproc`s are disabled. -/
fail_if_success simp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ example : x + foo 2 = 12 + x := by
ought to be applied to multiple functions, the `decreasing_by` clause has to
be repeated at each of these functions.

* Modify `InfoTree.context` to facilitate augmenting it with partial contexts while elaborating a command. This breaks backwards compatibility with all downstream projects that traverse the `InfoTree` manually instead of going through the functions in `InfoUtils.lean`, as well as those manually creating and saving `InfoTree`s. See for how to migrate your code.

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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions doc/flake.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/flake.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
flake = false;
inputs.leanInk = {
url = "github:leanprover/LeanInk";
url = "github:leanprover/LeanInk/refs/pull/57/merge";
flake = false;

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Command.lean
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Expand Up @@ -238,10 +238,11 @@ private def mkInfoTree (elaborator : Name) (stx : Syntax) (trees : PersistentArr
let s ← get
let scope := s.scopes.head!
let tree := InfoTree.node (Info.ofCommandInfo { elaborator, stx }) trees
return InfoTree.context {
let ctx := PartialContextInfo.commandCtx {
env := s.env, fileMap := ctx.fileMap, mctx := {}, currNamespace := scope.currNamespace,
openDecls := scope.openDecls, options := scope.opts, ngen := s.ngen
} tree
return InfoTree.context ctx tree

private def elabCommandUsing (s : State) (stx : Syntax) : List (KeyedDeclsAttribute.AttributeEntry CommandElab) → CommandElabM Unit
| [] => withInfoTreeContext (mkInfoTree := mkInfoTree `no_elab stx) <| throwError "unexpected syntax{indentD stx}"
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91 changes: 72 additions & 19 deletions src/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Main.lean
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Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ Authors: Wojciech Nawrocki, Leonardo de Moura, Sebastian Ullrich
import Lean.Meta.PPGoal

namespace Lean.Elab.ContextInfo
namespace Lean.Elab.CommandContextInfo

variable [Monad m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadOptions m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadNameGenerator m]

def saveNoFileMap : m ContextInfo := return {
def saveNoFileMap : m CommandContextInfo := return {
env := (← getEnv)
fileMap := default
mctx := (← getMCtx)
Expand All @@ -20,11 +20,32 @@ def saveNoFileMap : m ContextInfo := return {
ngen := (← getNGen)

def save [MonadFileMap m] : m ContextInfo := do
def save [MonadFileMap m] : m CommandContextInfo := do
let ctx ← saveNoFileMap
return { ctx with fileMap := (← getFileMap) }

end ContextInfo
end CommandContextInfo

Merges the `inner` partial context into the `outer` context s.t. fields of the `inner` context
overwrite fields of the `outer` context. Panics if the invariant described in the documentation
for `PartialContextInfo` is violated.
When traversing an `InfoTree`, this function should be used to combine the context of outer
nodes with the partial context of their subtrees. This ensures that the traversal has the context
from the inner node to the root node of the `InfoTree` available, with partial contexts of
inner nodes taking priority over contexts of outer nodes.
def PartialContextInfo.mergeIntoOuter?
: (inner : PartialContextInfo) → (outer? : Option ContextInfo) → Option ContextInfo
| .commandCtx info, none =>
some { info with }
| .parentDeclCtx _, none =>
panic! "Unexpected incomplete InfoTree context info."
| .commandCtx innerInfo, some outer =>
some { outer with toCommandContextInfo := innerInfo }
| .parentDeclCtx innerParentDecl, some outer =>
some { outer with parentDecl? := innerParentDecl }

def CompletionInfo.stx : CompletionInfo → Syntax
| dot i .. => i.stx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,7 +218,7 @@ def Info.updateContext? : Option ContextInfo → Info → Option ContextInfo
partial def InfoTree.format (tree : InfoTree) (ctx? : Option ContextInfo := none) : IO Format := do
match tree with
| hole id => return .nestD f!"• ?{toString}"
| context i t => format t i
| context i t => format t <| i.mergeIntoOuter? ctx?
| node i cs => match ctx? with
| none => return "• <context-not-available>"
| some ctx =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,20 +329,52 @@ def withInfoTreeContext [MonadFinally m] (x : m α) (mkInfoTree : PersistentArra
@[inline] def withInfoContext [MonadFinally m] (x : m α) (mkInfo : m Info) : m α := do
withInfoTreeContext x (fun trees => do return InfoTree.node (← mkInfo) trees)

/-- Resets the trees state `t₀`, runs `x` to produce a new trees
state `t₁` and sets the state to be `t₀ ++ (InfoTree.context Γ <$> t₁)`
where `Γ` is the context derived from the monad state. -/
def withSaveInfoContext [MonadNameGenerator m] [MonadFinally m] [MonadEnv m] [MonadOptions m] [MonadMCtx m] [MonadResolveName m] [MonadFileMap m] (x : m α) : m α := do
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees
Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun _ => do
let st ← getInfoState
let trees ← st.trees.mapM fun tree => do
let tree := tree.substitute st.assignment
pure <| InfoTree.context (← tree
modifyInfoTrees fun _ => treesSaved ++ trees
private def withSavedPartialInfoContext [MonadFinally m]
(x : m α)
(ctx? : m (Option PartialContextInfo))
: m α := do
if !(← getInfoState).enabled then
return ← x
let treesSaved ← getResetInfoTrees
Prod.fst <$> MonadFinally.tryFinally' x fun _ => do
let st ← getInfoState
let trees ← st.trees.mapM fun tree => do
let tree := tree.substitute st.assignment
match (← ctx?) with
| none =>
pure tree
| some ctx =>
pure <| InfoTree.context ctx tree
modifyInfoTrees fun _ => treesSaved ++ trees

Resets the trees state `t₀`, runs `x` to produce a new trees state `t₁` and sets the state to be
`t₀ ++ (InfoTree.context (PartialContextInfo.commandCtx Γ) <$> t₁)` where `Γ` is the context derived
from the monad state.
def withSaveInfoContext
[MonadNameGenerator m]
[MonadFinally m]
[MonadEnv m]
[MonadOptions m]
[MonadMCtx m]
[MonadResolveName m]
[MonadFileMap m]
(x : m α)
: m α := do
withSavedPartialInfoContext x do
return some <| .commandCtx (←

Resets the trees state `t₀`, runs `x` to produce a new trees state `t₁` and sets the state to be
`t₀ ++ (InfoTree.context (PartialContextInfo.parentDeclCtx Γ) <$> t₁)` where `Γ` is the parent decl
name provided by `MonadParentDecl m`.
def withSaveParentDeclInfoContext [MonadFinally m] [MonadParentDecl m] (x : m α) : m α := do
withSavedPartialInfoContext x do
let some declName ← getParentDeclName?
| return none
return some <| .parentDeclCtx declName

def getInfoHoleIdAssignment? (mvarId : MVarId) : m (Option InfoTree) :=
return (← getInfoState).assignment[mvarId]
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46 changes: 39 additions & 7 deletions src/Lean/Elab/InfoTree/Types.lean
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Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ import Lean.Widget.Types

namespace Lean.Elab

/-- Context after executing `liftTermElabM`.
Note that the term information collected during elaboration may contain metavariables, and their
assignments are stored at `mctx`. -/
structure ContextInfo where
Context after executing `liftTermElabM`.
Note that the term information collected during elaboration may contain metavariables, and their
assignments are stored at `mctx`.
structure CommandContextInfo where
env : Environment
fileMap : FileMap
mctx : MetavarContext := {}
Expand All @@ -26,6 +28,31 @@ structure ContextInfo where
openDecls : List OpenDecl := []
ngen : NameGenerator -- We must save the name generator to implement `ContextInfo.runMetaM` and making we not create `MVarId`s used in `mctx`.

Context from the root of the `InfoTree` up to this node.
Note that the term information collected during elaboration may contain metavariables, and their
assignments are stored at `mctx`.
structure ContextInfo extends CommandContextInfo where
parentDecl? : Option Name := none

Context for a sub-`InfoTree`.
Within `InfoTree`, this must fulfill the invariant that every non-`commandCtx` `PartialContextInfo`
node is always contained within a `commandCtx` node.
inductive PartialContextInfo where
| commandCtx (info : CommandContextInfo)
Context for the name of the declaration that surrounds nodes contained within this `context` node.
For example, this makes the name of the surrounding declaration available in `InfoTree` nodes
corresponding to the terms within the declaration.
| parentDeclCtx (parentDecl : Name)
-- TODO: More constructors for the different kinds of scopes `commandCtx` is currently
-- used for (e.g. eliminating `Info.updateContext?` would be nice!).

/-- Base structure for `TermInfo`, `CommandInfo` and `TacticInfo`. -/
structure ElabInfo where
/-- The name of the elaborator that created this info. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,8 +191,8 @@ inductive Info where
`hole`s which are filled in later in the same way that unassigned metavariables are.
inductive InfoTree where
/-- The context object is created by `liftTermElabM` at `Command.lean` -/
| context (i : ContextInfo) (t : InfoTree)
/-- The context object is created at appropriate points during elaboration -/
| context (i : PartialContextInfo) (t : InfoTree)
/-- The children contain information for nested term elaboration and tactic evaluation -/
| node (i : Info) (children : PersistentArray InfoTree)
/-- The elaborator creates holes (aka metavariables) for tactics and postponed terms -/
Expand All @@ -191,7 +218,7 @@ structure InfoState where
trees : PersistentArray InfoTree := {}
deriving Inhabited

class MonadInfoTree (m : TypeType) where
class MonadInfoTree (m : TypeType) where
getInfoState : m InfoState
modifyInfoState : (InfoState → InfoState) → m Unit

Expand All @@ -204,4 +231,9 @@ instance [MonadLift m n] [MonadInfoTree m] : MonadInfoTree n where
def setInfoState [MonadInfoTree m] (s : InfoState) : m Unit :=
modifyInfoState fun _ => s

class MonadParentDecl (m : TypeType) where
getParentDeclName? : m (Option Name)

export MonadParentDecl (getParentDeclName?)

end Lean.Elab
61 changes: 32 additions & 29 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Term.lean
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Expand Up @@ -329,33 +329,6 @@ instance : AddErrorMessageContext TermElabM where
let msg ← addMacroStack msg ctx.macroStack
pure (ref, msg)

Execute `x` but discard changes performed at `Term.State` and `Meta.State`.
Recall that the `Environment` and `InfoState` are at `Core.State`. Thus, any updates to it will
be preserved. This method is useful for performing computations where all
metavariable must be resolved or discarded.
The `InfoTree`s are not discarded, however, and wrapped in `InfoTree.Context`
to store their metavariable context. -/
def withoutModifyingElabMetaStateWithInfo (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α := do
let s ← get
let sMeta ← getThe Meta.State
withSaveInfoContext x
set s
set sMeta

Execute `x` but discard changes performed to the state.
However, the info trees and messages are not discarded. -/
private def withoutModifyingStateWithInfoAndMessagesImpl (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α := do
let saved ← saveState
withSaveInfoContext x
let saved := { saved with meta.core.infoState := (← getInfoState), meta.core.messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages }
restoreState saved

Execute `x` without storing `Syntax` for recursive applications. See `saveRecAppSyntax` field at `Context`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,9 +375,12 @@ def getLetRecsToLift : TermElabM (List LetRecToLift) := return (← get).letRecs
/-- Return the declaration of the given metavariable -/
def getMVarDecl (mvarId : MVarId) : TermElabM MetavarDecl := return (← getMCtx).getDecl mvarId

/-- Execute `x` with `declName? := name`. See `getDeclName?`. -/
instance : MonadParentDecl TermElabM where
getParentDeclName? := getDeclName?

/-- Execute `withSaveParentDeclInfoContext x` with `declName? := name`. See `getDeclName?`. -/
def withDeclName (name : Name) (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α :=
withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with declName? := name }) x
withReader (fun ctx => { ctx with declName? := name }) <| withSaveParentDeclInfoContext x

/-- Update the universe level parameter names. -/
def setLevelNames (levelNames : List Name) : TermElabM Unit :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,6 +422,33 @@ def withoutHeedElabAsElimImp (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α :=
def withoutHeedElabAsElim [MonadFunctorT TermElabM m] : m α → m α :=
monadMap (m := TermElabM) withoutHeedElabAsElimImp

Execute `x` but discard changes performed at `Term.State` and `Meta.State`.
Recall that the `Environment` and `InfoState` are at `Core.State`. Thus, any updates to it will
be preserved. This method is useful for performing computations where all
metavariable must be resolved or discarded.
The `InfoTree`s are not discarded, however, and wrapped in `InfoTree.Context`
to store their metavariable context. -/
def withoutModifyingElabMetaStateWithInfo (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α := do
let s ← get
let sMeta ← getThe Meta.State
withSaveInfoContext x
set s
set sMeta

Execute `x` but discard changes performed to the state.
However, the info trees and messages are not discarded. -/
private def withoutModifyingStateWithInfoAndMessagesImpl (x : TermElabM α) : TermElabM α := do
let saved ← saveState
withSaveInfoContext x
let saved := { saved with meta.core.infoState := (← getInfoState), meta.core.messages := (← getThe Core.State).messages }
restoreState saved

/-- For testing `TermElabM` methods. The #eval command will sign the error. -/
def throwErrorIfErrors : TermElabM Unit := do
if (← MonadLog.hasErrors) then
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Server/FileWorker.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ section Initialization
(headerMsgLog : MessageLog)
(opts : Options)
: Elab.Command.State :=
let headerContextInfo : Elab.ContextInfo := {
let headerContextInfo : Elab.CommandContextInfo := {
env := headerEnv
fileMap := m.text
ngen := { namePrefix := `_worker }
Expand All @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ section Initialization
let headerInfoTree := Elab.InfoTree.node headerInfo headerInfoNodes.toPArray'
let headerInfoState := {
enabled := true
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context headerContextInfo headerInfoTree].toPArray'
trees := #[Elab.InfoTree.context (.commandCtx headerContextInfo) headerInfoTree].toPArray'
{ Elab.Command.mkState headerEnv headerMsgLog opts with infoState := headerInfoState }

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