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feat: replace with List.Lex (#6379)
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This PR replaces `` with `List.Lex`, from Mathlib, and adds the
new `Bool` valued lexicographic comparatory function `List.lex`. This
subtly changes the definition of `<` on Lists in some situations.

`` was a weaker relation: in particular if `l₁ < l₂`, then
`a :: l₁ < b :: l₂` may hold according to `` even if `a` and `b`
are merely incomparable
(either neither `a < b` nor `b < a`), whereas according to `List.Lex`
this would require `a = b`.

When `<` is total, in the sense that `¬ · < ·` is antisymmetric, then
the two relations coincide.

Mathlib was already overriding the order instances for `List α`,
so this change should not be noticed by anyone already using Mathlib.

We simultaneously add the boolean valued `List.lex` function,
parameterised by a `BEq` typeclass
and an arbitrary `lt` function. This will support the flexibility
previously provided for ``,
via a `==` function which is weaker than strict equality.
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kim-em authored Dec 15, 2024
1 parent a8a160b commit 6893913
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Showing 22 changed files with 716 additions and 112 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/examples/ICERM2022/meta.lean
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def ex3 (declName : Name) : MetaM Unit := do
for x in xs do
trace[Meta.debug] "{x} : {← inferType x}"

def myMin [LT α] [DecidableRel (α := α) (·<·)] (a b : α) : α :=
def myMin [LT α] [DecidableLT α] (a b : α) : α :=
if a < b then
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions releases_drafts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
We replace the inductive predicate `` with an upstreamed version of `List.Lex` from Mathlib.
(Previously `` was defined in terms of `<`; now it is generalized to take an arbitrary relation.)
This subtely changes the notion of ordering on `List α`.

`` was a weaker relation: in particular if `l₁ < l₂`, then
`a :: l₁ < b :: l₂` may hold according to `` even if `a` and `b` are merely incomparable
(either neither `a < b` nor `b < a`), whereas according to `List.Lex` this would require `a = b`.

When `<` is total, in the sense that `¬ · < ·` is antisymmetric, then the two relations coincide.

Mathlib was already overriding the order instances for `List α`,
so this change should not be noticed by anyone already using Mathlib.

We simultaneously add the boolean valued `List.lex` function, parameterised by a `BEq` typeclass
and an arbitrary `lt` function. This will support the flexibility previously provided for ``,
via a `==` function which is weaker than strict equality.
25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion src/Init/Core.lean
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Expand Up @@ -2116,14 +2116,37 @@ instance : Commutative Or := ⟨fun _ _ => propext or_comm⟩
instance : Commutative And := ⟨fun _ _ => propext and_comm⟩
instance : Commutative Iff := ⟨fun _ _ => propext iff_comm⟩

/-- `IsRefl X r` means the binary relation `r` on `X` is reflexive. -/
class Refl (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop where
/-- A reflexive relation satisfies `r a a`. -/
refl : ∀ a, r a a

`Antisymm (·≤·)` says that `(·≤·)` is antisymmetric, that is, `a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b`.
class Antisymm (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop where
/-- An antisymmetric relation `(·≤·)` satisfies `a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b`. -/
antisymm {a b : α} : r a b → r b a → a = b
antisymm (a b : α) : r a b → r b a → a = b

@[deprecated Antisymm (since := "2024-10-16"), inherit_doc Antisymm]
abbrev _root_.Antisymm (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop := Std.Antisymm r

/-- `Asymm X r` means that the binary relation `r` on `X` is asymmetric, that is,
`r a b → ¬ r b a`. -/
class Asymm (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop where
/-- An asymmetric relation satisfies `r a b → ¬ r b a`. -/
asymm : ∀ a b, r a b → ¬r b a

/-- `Total X r` means that the binary relation `r` on `X` is total, that is, that for any
`x y : X` we have `r x y` or `r y x`. -/
class Total (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop where
/-- A total relation satisfies `r a b ∨ r b a`. -/
total : ∀ a b, r a b ∨ r b a

/-- `Irrefl X r` means the binary relation `r` on `X` is irreflexive (that is, `r x x` never
holds). -/
class Irrefl (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop where
/-- An irreflexive relation satisfies `¬ r a a`. -/
irrefl : ∀ a, ¬r a a

end Std
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array.lean
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Expand Up @@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ import Init.Data.Array.Monadic
import Init.Data.Array.FinRange
import Init.Data.Array.Perm
import Init.Data.Array.Find
import Init.Data.Array.Lex
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -944,6 +944,19 @@ def split (as : Array α) (p : α → Bool) : Array α × Array α :=
as.foldl (init := (#[], #[])) fun (as, bs) a =>
if p a then (as.push a, bs) else (as, bs.push a)

/-! ### Lexicographic ordering -/

instance instLT [LT α] : LT (Array α) := ⟨fun as bs => as.toList < bs.toList⟩
instance instLE [LT α] : LE (Array α) := ⟨fun as bs => as.toList ≤ bs.toList⟩

instance [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α] : DecidableLT (Array α) :=
inferInstanceAs <| DecidableRel fun (as bs : Array α) => as.toList < bs.toList

instance [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α] : DecidableLE (Array α) :=
inferInstanceAs <| DecidableRel fun (as bs : Array α) => as.toList ≤ bs.toList

-- See `Init.Data.Array.Lex` for the boolean valued lexicographic comparator.

/-! ## Auxiliary functions used in metaprogramming.
We do not currently intend to provide verification theorems for these functions.
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Init.Data.List.Monadic
import Init.Data.List.OfFn
import Init.Data.Array.Mem
import Init.Data.Array.DecidableEq
import Init.Data.Array.Lex
import Init.TacticsExtra
import Init.Data.List.ToArray

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -924,12 +925,26 @@ theorem mem_or_eq_of_mem_setIfInBounds

/-! ### BEq -/

@[simp] theorem beq_empty_iff [BEq α] {xs : Array α} : (xs == #[]) = xs.isEmpty := by
cases xs

@[simp] theorem empty_beq_iff [BEq α] {xs : Array α} : (#[] == xs) = xs.isEmpty := by
cases xs

@[simp] theorem push_beq_push [BEq α] {a b : α} {v : Array α} {w : Array α} :
(v.push a == w.push b) = (v == w && a == b) := by
cases v
cases w

theorem size_eq_of_beq [BEq α] {xs ys : Array α} (h : xs == ys) : xs.size = ys.size := by
cases xs
cases ys
simp [List.length_eq_of_beq (by simpa using h)]

@[simp] theorem mkArray_beq_mkArray [BEq α] {a b : α} {n : Nat} :
(mkArray n a == mkArray n b) = (n == 0 || a == b) := by
cases n with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -974,6 +989,8 @@ theorem mem_or_eq_of_mem_setIfInBounds
· intro a
apply Array.isEqv_self_beq

/-! ### Lexicographic ordering -/

/-! Content below this point has not yet been aligned with `List`. -/

theorem singleton_eq_toArray_singleton (a : α) : #[a] = [a].toArray := rfl
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Array/Lex.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Kim Morrison
import Init.Data.Array.Basic
import Init.Data.Nat.Lemmas
import Init.Data.Range

namespace Array

Lexicographic comparator for arrays.
`lex as bs lt` is true if
- `bs` is larger than `as` and `as` is pairwise equivalent via `==` to the initial segment of `bs`, or
- there is an index `i` such that `lt as[i] bs[i]`, and for all `j < i`, `as[j] == bs[j]`.
def lex [BEq α] (as bs : Array α) (lt : α → α → Bool := by exact (· < ·)) : Bool := do
for h : i in [0 : min as.size bs.size] do
-- TODO: `omega` should be able to find this itself.
have : i < min as.size bs.size := Membership.get_elem_helper h rfl
if lt as[i] bs[i] then
return true
else if as[i] != bs[i] then
return false
return as.size < bs.size

end Array
41 changes: 38 additions & 3 deletions src/Init/Data/Char/Lemmas.lean
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import Init.Data.UInt.Lemmas

namespace Char

@[ext] protected theorem ext : {a b : Char} → a.val = b.val → a = b
| ⟨_,_⟩, ⟨_,_⟩, rfl => rfl

theorem le_def {a b : Char} : a ≤ b ↔ a.1 ≤ b.1 := .rfl
theorem lt_def {a b : Char} : a < b ↔ a.1 < b.1 := .rfl
theorem lt_iff_val_lt_val {a b : Char} : a < b ↔ a.val < b.val := Iff.rfl
Expand All @@ -19,9 +22,44 @@ theorem lt_iff_val_lt_val {a b : Char} : a < b ↔ a.val < b.val := Iff.rfl
protected theorem le_trans {a b c : Char} : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := UInt32.le_trans
protected theorem lt_trans {a b c : Char} : a < b → b < c → a < c := UInt32.lt_trans
protected theorem le_total (a b : Char) : a ≤ b ∨ b ≤ a := UInt32.le_total a.1 b.1
protected theorem le_antisymm {a b : Char} : a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b :=
fun h₁ h₂ => Char.ext (UInt32.le_antisymm h₁ h₂)
protected theorem lt_asymm {a b : Char} (h : a < b) : ¬ b < a := UInt32.lt_asymm h
protected theorem ne_of_lt {a b : Char} (h : a < b) : a ≠ b := Char.ne_of_val_ne (UInt32.ne_of_lt h)

instance ltIrrefl : Std.Irrefl (· < · : Char → Char → Prop) where
irrefl := Char.lt_irrefl

instance leRefl : Std.Refl (· ≤ · : Char → Char → Prop) where
refl := Char.le_refl

instance leTrans : Trans (· ≤ · : Char → Char → Prop) (· ≤ ·) (· ≤ ·) where
trans := Char.le_trans

instance ltTrans : Trans (· < · : Char → Char → Prop) (· < ·) (· < ·) where
trans := Char.lt_trans

-- This instance is useful while setting up instances for `String`.
def notLTTrans : Trans (¬ · < · : Char → Char → Prop) (¬ · < ·) (¬ · < ·) where
trans h₁ h₂ := by simpa using Char.le_trans (by simpa using h₂) (by simpa using h₁)

instance leAntisymm : Std.Antisymm (· ≤ · : Char → Char → Prop) where
antisymm _ _ := Char.le_antisymm

-- This instance is useful while setting up instances for `String`.
def notLTAntisymm : Std.Antisymm (¬ · < · : Char → Char → Prop) where
antisymm _ _ h₁ h₂ := Char.le_antisymm (by simpa using h₂) (by simpa using h₁)

instance ltAsymm : Std.Asymm (· < · : Char → Char → Prop) where
asymm _ _ := Char.lt_asymm

instance leTotal : Std.Total (· ≤ · : Char → Char → Prop) where
total := Char.le_total

-- This instance is useful while setting up instances for `String`.
def notLTTotal : Std.Total (¬ · < · : Char → Char → Prop) where
total := fun x y => by simpa using Char.le_total y x

theorem utf8Size_eq (c : Char) : c.utf8Size = 1 ∨ c.utf8Size = 2 ∨ c.utf8Size = 3 ∨ c.utf8Size = 4 := by
have := c.utf8Size_pos
have := c.utf8Size_le_four
Expand All @@ -31,9 +69,6 @@ theorem utf8Size_eq (c : Char) : c.utf8Size = 1 ∨ c.utf8Size = 2 ∨ c.utf8Siz
rw [Char.ofNat, dif_pos]

@[ext] protected theorem ext : {a b : Char} → a.val = b.val → a = b
| ⟨_,_⟩, ⟨_,_⟩, rfl => rfl

end Char

@[deprecated Char.utf8Size (since := "2024-06-04")] abbrev String.csize := Char.utf8Size
84 changes: 56 additions & 28 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -162,46 +162,74 @@ theorem isEqv_cons₂ : isEqv (a::as) (b::bs) eqv = (eqv a b && isEqv as bs eqv)

/-! ## Lexicographic ordering -/

The lexicographic order on lists.
`[] < a::as`, and `a::as < b::bs` if `a < b` or if `a` and `b` are equivalent and `as < bs`.
inductive lt [LT α] : List α → List α → Prop where
/-- Lexicographic ordering for lists. -/
inductive Lex (r : α → α → Prop) : List α → List α → Prop
/-- `[]` is the smallest element in the order. -/
| nil (b : α) (bs : List α) : lt [] (b::bs)
| nil {a l} : Lex r [] (a :: l)
/-- If `a` is indistinguishable from `b` and `as < bs`, then `a::as < b::bs`. -/
| cons {a l₁ l₂} (h : Lex r l₁ l₂) : Lex r (a :: l₁) (a :: l₂)
/-- If `a < b` then `a::as < b::bs`. -/
| head {a : α} (as : List α) {b : α} (bs : List α) : a < b → lt (a::as) (b::bs)
/-- If `a` and `b` are equivalent and `as < bs`, then `a::as < b::bs`. -/
| tail {a : α} {as : List α} {b : α} {bs : List α} : ¬ a < b → ¬ b < a → lt as bs → lt (a::as) (b::bs)

instance [LT α] : LT (List α) := ⟨⟩
| rel {a₁ l₁ a₂ l₂} (h : r a₁ a₂) : Lex r (a₁ :: l₁) (a₂ :: l₂)

instance hasDecidableLt [LT α] [h : DecidableRel (α := α) (· < ·)] : (l₁ l₂ : List α) → Decidable (l₁ < l₂)
| [], [] => isFalse nofun
| [], _::_ => isTrue ( _ _)
| _::_, [] => isFalse nofun
instance decidableLex [DecidableEq α] (r : α → α → Prop) [h : DecidableRel r] :
(l₁ l₂ : List α) → Decidable (Lex r l₁ l₂)
| [], [] => isFalse nofun
| [], _::_ => isTrue Lex.nil
| _::_, [] => isFalse nofun
| a::as, b::bs =>
match h a b with
| isTrue h₁ => isTrue ( _ _ h₁)
| isTrue h₁ => isTrue (Lex.rel h₁)
| isFalse h₁ =>
match h b a with
| isTrue h₂ => isFalse (fun h => match h with
| _ _ h₁' => absurd h₁' h₁
| _ h₂' _ => absurd h₂ h₂')
| isFalse h₂ =>
match hasDecidableLt as bs with
| isTrue h₃ => isTrue ( h₁ h₂ h₃)
if h₂ : a = b then
match decidableLex r as bs with
| isTrue h₃ => isTrue (h₂ ▸ Lex.cons h₃)
| isFalse h₃ => isFalse (fun h => match h with
| _ _ h₁' => absurd h₁' h₁
| _ _ h₃' => absurd h₃' h₃)
| Lex.rel h₁' => absurd h₁' h₁
| Lex.cons h₃' => absurd h₃' h₃)
isFalse (fun h => match h with
| Lex.rel h₁' => absurd h₁' h₁
| Lex.cons h₂' => h₂ rfl)

@[inherit_doc Lex]
protected abbrev lt [LT α] : List α → List α → Prop := Lex (· < ·)

instance instLT [LT α] : LT (List α) := ⟨⟩

/-- Decidability of lexicographic ordering. -/
instance decidableLT [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α] (l₁ l₂ : List α) :
Decidable (l₁ < l₂) := decidableLex (· < ·) l₁ l₂

@[deprecated decidableLT (since := "2024-12-13"), inherit_doc decidableLT]
abbrev hasDecidableLt := @decidableLT

/-- The lexicographic order on lists. -/
@[reducible] protected def le [LT α] (a b : List α) : Prop := ¬ b < a

instance [LT α] : LE (List α) := ⟨List.le⟩
instance instLE [LT α] : LE (List α) := ⟨List.le⟩

instance decidableLE [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α] (l₁ l₂ : List α) :
Decidable (l₁ ≤ l₂) :=
inferInstanceAs (Decidable (Not _))

Lexicographic comparator for lists.
* `lex lt [] (b :: bs)` is true.
* `lex lt as []` is false.
* `lex lt (a :: as) (b :: bs)` is true if `lt a b` or `a == b` and `lex lt as bs` is true.
def lex [BEq α] (l₁ l₂ : List α) (lt : α → α → Bool := by exact (· < ·)) : Bool :=
match l₁, l₂ with
| [], _ :: _ => true
| _, [] => false
| a :: as, b :: bs => lt a b || (a == b && lex as bs lt)

instance [LT α] [DecidableRel ((· < ·) : α → α → Prop)] : (l₁ l₂ : List α) → Decidable (l₁ ≤ l₂) :=
fun _ _ => inferInstanceAs (Decidable (Not _))
@[simp] theorem lex_nil_nil [BEq α] : lex ([] : List α) [] lt = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem lex_nil_cons [BEq α] {b} {bs : List α} : lex [] (b :: bs) lt = true := rfl
@[simp] theorem lex_cons_nil [BEq α] {a} {as : List α} : lex (a :: as) [] lt = false := rfl
@[simp] theorem lex_cons_cons [BEq α] {a b} {as bs : List α} :
lex (a :: as) (b :: bs) lt = (lt a b || (a == b && lex as bs lt)) := rfl

/-! ## Alternative getters -/

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41 changes: 25 additions & 16 deletions src/Init/Data/List/BasicAux.lean
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Expand Up @@ -233,25 +233,34 @@ theorem sizeOf_get [SizeOf α] (as : List α) (i : Fin as.length) : sizeOf (as.g
apply Nat.lt_trans ih

theorem le_antisymm [LT α] [s : Std.Antisymm (¬ · < · : α → α → Prop)]
{as bs : List α} (h₁ : as ≤ bs) (h₂ : bs ≤ as) : as = bs :=
theorem not_lex_antisymm [DecidableEq α] {r : α → α → Prop} [DecidableRel r]
(antisymm : ∀ x y : α, ¬ r x y → ¬ r y x → x = y)
{as bs : List α} (h₁ : ¬ Lex r bs as) (h₂ : ¬ Lex r as bs) : as = bs :=
match as, bs with
| [], [] => rfl
| [], _::_ => False.elim <| h₂ ( ..)
| _::_, [] => False.elim <| h₁ ( ..)
| [], _::_ => False.elim <| h₂ (List.Lex.nil ..)
| _::_, [] => False.elim <| h₁ (List.Lex.nil ..)
| a::as, b::bs => by
by_cases hab : a < b
· exact False.elim <| h₂ ( _ _ hab)
· by_cases hba : b < a
· exact False.elim <| h₁ ( _ _ hba)
· have h₁ : as ≤ bs := fun h => h₁ ( hba hab h)
have h₂ : bs ≤ as := fun h => h₂ ( hab hba h)
have ih : as = bs := le_antisymm h₁ h₂
have : a = b := s.antisymm hab hba
simp [this, ih]

instance [LT α] [Std.Antisymm (¬ · < · : α → α → Prop)] :
by_cases hab : r a b
· exact False.elim <| h₂ (List.Lex.rel hab)
· by_cases eq : a = b
· subst eq
have h₁ : ¬ Lex r bs as := fun h => h₁ (List.Lex.cons h)
have h₂ : ¬ Lex r as bs := fun h => h₂ (List.Lex.cons h)
simp [not_lex_antisymm antisymm h₁ h₂]
· exfalso
by_cases hba : r b a
· exact h₁ (Lex.rel hba)
· exact eq (antisymm _ _ hab hba)

protected theorem le_antisymm [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α]
[i : Std.Antisymm (¬ · < · : α → α → Prop)]
{as bs : List α} (h₁ : as ≤ bs) (h₂ : bs ≤ as) : as = bs :=
not_lex_antisymm i.antisymm h₁ h₂

instance [DecidableEq α] [LT α] [DecidableLT α]
[s : Std.Antisymm (¬ · < · : α → α → Prop)] :
Std.Antisymm (· ≤ · : List α → List α → Prop) where
antisymm h₁ h₂ := le_antisymm h₁ h₂
antisymm _ _ h₁ h₂ := List.le_antisymm h₁ h₂

end List

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