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Cat Tinder Frontend Intro

  • Created an empty github repo
  • Created a react app locally
  • connected the two repos
  • Check that the application is built correctly: $ yarn start
  • Make a change
  • Perform initial commit
  • Request branch protections for main branch

Frontend Structure

Create directories (src)

  • components: react components that will always be displayed on the UI
  • pages: react components that pertain to certain CRUD actions
  • assets: images, videos, etc

Create component files

  // basic functional component
  // imports
  import React from "react"
  // react functional component declaration
  const App = () => {

    // the space between the declaration and return is where we place state variables and custom functions

    // what is sent to the user interface
    return (
      // jsx land, remember to encapsulate any references to javascript in {}
        <h1>Hello World!</h1>

  // allows the react component to be visible to the application
  export default App

Create page files

  • Home.js: landing page
  • RapperIndex.js: displays all the rappers in the database
  • RapperShow.js: displays one rapper as specified by params id
  • RapperNew.js: displays a form to collect the user input that will be used to create a new rapper
  • RapperEdit.js: displays a form to modify an existing rapper
  • NotFound.js: displays an error message to the UI if the URL is incorrect

Import styling

  • bootstrap and reactstrap
  • Add necessary import to index.js


  • Add react-router-dom
  • on the index.js:
    • import BrowserRouter
    • Wrap BrowserRouter around the App in the index.js
  • on App.js
    • import Routes, Route
    • Routes will encapsulate each Route that is specified for each react component in the page directory
    • Route needs two attributes: path and element

Mock data

  • create a file for the mock data using camelCasing naming convention in the src directory
  • import the file onto App.js
  • import useState for the react state
  • make the mock data the initial value of the state variable

Styling React components

  • select UI component from the reactstrap site
  • copyright emblem &copy;
  • css declarations can be made on App.css

Testing with React Testing Library and Jest


  • static tests: analyzing the code for potential issues like syntax errors, coding style violations, and spelling errors
  • unit tests: analyzing individual parts of the code in isolation, such as just testing one React component
  • integration tests: analyzing how all the components work together
  • end to end tests: analyzing the functionality of the whole application by simulating the entire user experience wth your application
  • Jest: JavaScript testing framework used for testing React applications
  • React Testing Library: library designed to test React components how a user would interact with your application
  • assertion: statement that checks whether a given condition is true, expect statements

Structure of the test

  // import dependencies and methods 
  import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';

  // import the component to be tested
  import App from './App';

  // jest structure for test cases and assertions
  import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
  import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
  import App from './App';

  describe("<App />", () => {
    it("renders a greeting to the Flow Master space", () => {
      // Arrange, Act, Assert - AAA
      // arrange, render the component
          <App />

      // debugging tools after the render
      screen.debug() // displays the html in the console for that component
      screen.logTestingPlaygroundURL() //displays a URL to open in the browser

      // act, utilizing a method to test what the user should be experiencing, a query
      const greeting = screen.getByRole("heading", {
        name: /Come over and find someone who can lock you in their verbal bars/i

      // assert that the element is present


getBy queries, search methods

  • getByText(): find the DOM element by its text value
  • getByRole(): find the DOM element by its role attribute
  • getByLabelText(): find the DOM element by its label attribute
  • getByAltText(): find the DOM element by its alt text value Last Resort Query: getByTestId() is used when cannot query any text or role

jest matchers

  • toBeInTheDocument(): assert whether an element is present in the document
  • toHaveAttribute(): assert whether an element includes a particular attribute
  • toHaveTextContent(): assert whether an element contains specified text content

Read Functionality


  • modify the routes:
    • Index: pass props
    • Show: add id param to url and pass props

Index page

  • accept props on the react component
  • use styling components from reactstrap to display data to UI
  • setup conditional rendering
  • test coverage for the react component
    • Make sure to provide props to the component call on the render() for the test

Show page

  • accept props on the react component
  • access params to identify the one value to display on the UI
  • access the id param from the URL by using react hook useParams()
  • iterate across the values in the array and return the value with the id that matches the id param
  • since the id param is a string from the URL, use the unary operator + to convert it to a number
  • use styling components from reactstrap to display data to UI
  • setup conditional rendering
  • test coverage for the react component
    • Provide the id params required for the url and the props required for the component call
    • Memory Router

Create Functionality

  • new: form for the user to give input
    • This form will be provided on the RapperNew.js
    • submit button on the form will trigger a function that will provide the create functionality
  • create: save a new instance in the database using the attributes from the new form
    • The create functionality will be placed on the App.js
    • Since we are not connected to the backend, this function will just print out the new instance on the console.

Work flow

  • Create a descriptive heading
  • Create a form that will have input fields to grab the values for each attribute in your database
  • Add a button which will be used to submit the changes
  • Create react state to store values from the input field
  • Track the changes to the applicable input field and save that value to its applicable key
    • create a function that will execute the setter function
    • perform the function call on the onChange event listener for that particular attribute

setter function syntax

setNewRapper({...newRapper, []:})

  1. Create a new object with {}
  2. Use the spread (...) operator to copy all the properties from the existing object stored in the state variable
  3. Add a computed property name with a name (key) that is determined by the value of This name (key) is provided dynamically using the following syntax: []
  4. Assign it the value of to use the value entered in the input field

Functional props

  • create a function in App.js
    • name: createRapper
    • input: newRapper attributes, newRapper
    • output: console.log that the rapper was created
    • process:
      • pass the function as a prop to RapperNew.js
      • use onClick attribute to trigger that functionality on RapperNew.js

Form attributes

  • for: links the label to an input element that has the id of the same value.

  • id: provides a unique identifier for this input element and must match the for attribute of the associated label.
  • name: specifies the name of the key that will be used when the form data is submitted.
  • placeholder: provides courtesy text to the user about what should be entered in the input field.
  • type: indicates what type of data the user is expected to enter.
  • onChange: event listener that is set to call a function named handleChange.
  • value: set to the current value of the input field with is controlled by the changes to the react state variable.

Route back to the index page

After a new instance has been created successfully, re-route to the RapperIndex.js

  • useNavigate() from react-router-dom
  • destructure the navigate function from useNavigate()
  • give the url of the page as the argument
  • function call will be performed through the handleSubmit function

Mock data for a new rapper

  name: Cornelius
  age: 21
  enjoys: frozen grapes and drums

Testing RapperNew.test.js

  • Create a test for what we expect the user to see on the applicable file
    • test for the heading tag
    • test for the attributes on the input tag


  • What happens if the test is not under the tests


  • Fetch : a method in JavaScript that makes asynchronous requests
  • JavaScript does one thing at a time so when our fetch creates an asychronous action it allows the request to go out of the order and then gives us a promise
  • A promise has three stages: pending, fulfilled, or rejected
  • Promises return a payload or an error

READ Fetch:

  • Remove mockData from state and provide an empty array
  const [rappers, setRappers] = useState([])
  • create a readRapper function that handles the fetch
const readRapper = () => {
  // pass our fetch an argument of our API endpoint
    // handles our fulfilled promise for response
    .then((response) => response.json())
    // handles our fulfilled promise of the payload - the instances
    .then((payload) => setRappers(payload))
    // .catch() is like a catch all in case there are errors in this process
    .catch((error) => console.log(error))
  • implement a useEffect to render the readRapper function when the component loads
useEffect(() => {
}, [])


  • using the function createRapper that we made for our create functionality
const createRapper = (newRapper) => {
  // console.log("Rapper has been created", newRapper)
  fetch("http://localhost:3000/flow_masters", {
    // convert the object we just created to a string that can be passed inside of the request
    body: JSON.stringify(newRapper),
    // specify  the information that is being sent in the JSON and the information being returned is JSON
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    // HTTP verb so that the correct endpoint is being invoked on the server side
    method: "POST"
    .then((response) => response.json())
    .then(() => readRapper())
    .catch((errors) => console.log("Rapper create error:", errors))

Update fetch request work flow


  • Make sure rails server is running on 3000
  • Make sure the react server is running


  • Edit route will need a params id on path to url
  • Edit component call will need react state variable pass as params


  • accept props
  • use the find method and unary operator to abstract the instance that will be modified
  • assign that designated instance as the values of the state variable
  • handleChange function will reassign the values of the state variable to be the values changed on the edit form
  • onChange attribute will perform the handleChange function call
  • handleSubmit function will navigate to the index page until a successful edit

Update fetch request


  • On App.js:
    • Create the updateRapper function that will take the functional props passed up the river and print to the console
    • pass function as props to the RapperEdit component call
  • RapperShow.js
    • add a link to RapperEdit.js
  • RapperEdit.js:
    • accept props
    • handleSubmit function will perform update function call using the state variable and current id specified for the instance
    • check console to see if the props were passed back to App.js
  • Upon successful verification, modify the fetch request on App.js to include
    • fetch request with url designated for update
    • include three options: body, headers, methods
    • abstract the json from the response
    • perform readRapper function call
    • catch any errors


  • Modify the update API endpoint
  • provide params id to locate the designated instance
  • Perform update method
  • Use strong params
  • If valid, send back to instance as json
  • If not, send errors and status code of 422


cat-tinder-frontend-cooladas-instructors created by GitHub Classroom






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