#Jasmine.Io A Io Language Testing Framework
Jasmine.Io is a Io Language port of the popular Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript.
The project was implemented as a learning exercise after reading the 7 languages in 7 weeks book, where Io is the second language introduced. The implementation makes relies on Io's strong metaprogramming capabilities..
getFizzBuzz := method(number,
if(number % 3 == 0 and number % 5 == 0 , return "FizzBuzz")
if(number % 3 == 0, return "Fizz")
if(number % 5 == 0, return "Buzz")
it("Should return Fizz for divisible of three",
expect(getFizzBuzz(3)) toBe("Fizz")
it("Should return Buzz for divisible of five",
expect(getFizzBuzz(5)) toBe("Buzz")
it("Should return FizzBuzz for divisible of three and five",
expect(getFizzBuzz(15)) toBe("FizzBuzz")
it("Should return number if not divisible by three or five",
expect(getFizzBuzz(2)) toBe(2)
You execute the spec by calling $ Io jasmine.io fizzbuzz_spec.io
. If you do not specify a spec-file to run, Jasmine.Io will recursively walk your working directory, executing any file name ending with _spec.io
$ Io jasmine.io fizzbuzz_spec.io
✓ Should return Fizz for divisible of three: passed
✓ Should return Buzz for divisible of five: passed
✓ Should return FizzBuzz for divisible of three and five: passed
✓ Should return number if not divisible by three or five: passed
Results: 4 specs, 0 failures
Extending Jasmine.Io with custom matchers are dead simple. You simply add a new method to the Matcher prototype that evaluates to true or false. Jasmine.Io will generate resenoable error messages automatically, or you can choose to customize the error message yourself.
Matcher toBeLessThan := method(expected, actual < expected)
Matcher toBeGreaterThan := method(expected,
if(actual > expected, return false)
self message := actual .. " is not greater than " .. expected
describe("Custom matchers",
it("is possible to add matchers by adding a method to the Matcher prototype",
expect(1) toBeLessThan(2)
it("should error messages generated automatically",
expect(2) toBeLessThan(1)
it("is possible to customize the error message if you want to",
expect(1) toBeGreaterThan(2)
$ Io jasmine.io matcher_spec.io
Custom matchers
✓ is possible to add matchers by adding a method to the Matcher prototype: passed
ϰ should error messages generated automatically: Expected 2 to be less than 1
ϰ is possible to customize the error message if you want to: 1 is not greater than 2
Results: 3 specs, 2 failures