. scripts/build_rom.sh mako nosync 7 clean log
Parameter 1: The device tree: mako | hammeread | others
Parameter 2: Sync or don't sync the source: sync | nosync
Parameter 3: Number of threads (-j#)
Parameter 4: Make a clean build: clean to make clobber| noclean to make installclean
Parameter 5: Save a txt log in the root repo folder: log | nolog (or leave it empty)
NB: after changing toolchains or making other important changes to the build, it's a good idea to disable prebuilt-chromium (export USE_PREBUILT_CHROMIUM=0) in the script
. scripts/build_rom.sh mako nosync 7 clean log
Parameter 1: The device tree: mako | hammeread | others
Parameter 2: Sync or don't sync the source: sync | nosync
Parameter 3: Number of threads (-j#)
Parameter 4: Make a clean build: clean to make clobber| noclean to make installclean
Parameter 5: Save a txt log in the root repo folder: log | nolog (or leave it empty)
Parameter 6: The apk you want to build, for example SlimLauncher
. build_kernel.sh mako 7
Parameter 1: The device tree: mako | hammeread | others
Parameter 2: Number of threads (-j#).
Generate changelog since last build:
. generate_changelog.sh 1401821253
Parameter 1: A timestamp in UTC format that you can take from build.prop (ro.build.date.utc)
PS: place it in the root repo folder!
Send the freshly compiled build (.zip and .md5) to your device:
. rom_to_device.sh /sdcard/SlimKat
Parameter 1: Destination path. You can leave this empty and the standard path "/sdcard/SlimLP" will be used