Viessmann heating systems with vitotronic has a optolink Interface for maintenance. This interface can use for get/set data in the heating system. For more information about this interface see:
The java-application is a slim adapter to this interface. On southbound it use the serial interface for connect the optolink interface (special hardware requert). On northbound it provides a TCP/IP raw Port for communication and a UDP/IP Port as broadcast interface to search the adapter in the local network.
Primary is is develop for a adaption from openhab2. It supports on the northbound the concept of openhab2 things.
The application is develop in Eclipse (Luna) with maven support. Requierd Lib's: rxtx, slf4j, logback (see pom.xml file) You can build runtime by Run->Run As->Maven install. Files for runtime are found in ./traget Or download the install package from Github.
All test was running on a Raspberry PI B with Raspbian "wheezy".
- Install the rxtx (apt)
- Config /dev/ttyAMA0 (see:
- Install your optolink hardware
- copy: from the target folder to Rasberry and extract it.
- Edit conf/optolink.xml for your heading system.
- start it:
Run a terminal programm (like putty), connect to you raspberry by using port 31113 and raw protocol. Suported command:
- list -> list all (thing) definition (in xml-File)
- get Thing.Id [channel.Id,channel.Id,..] -> get Data for thing from heating system.
- set Thing-Id:Channel.Id value (The syntax of Value is not checked)
- bug-fixing (if bugs found ;-)
- Build a stable version (together with openhab2).