Scripts to easily install the software in Ubuntu
The docker is targeted for a develop environment for deep learning, especially for caffe. Pull it by
docker pull amsword/setup
- command-t
- Open a file fastly.
- click , and t to invoke the command-t plugin and then type the file name. Use arrows to select. Click enter to select.
- If the file has ever opened, click , and b to search the file list in all the opened.
- The name in the search mode doesn't have to be the full name. Partial matching is supported.
- Use ctrl+c to exit the search mode if you don't want to open any file.
- Use ctrl+f to update the command-t so that it can index the newly-created file.
- ConqueGDB
- An easy way to debug the c/c++ code inside vim.
- YouCompleteMe
- Auto completion
- Click j and d to go to the definition if it works.
- Fugitive
- Easy way to work with Git inside vim.
- Gstatus to show the result of git status in one buffer
- click D on the file which is changed to show the different.
- Click U to revert the change.
- GCommit to commit a code change
- enter the tmux: tmux a -d -t id
- -d: to detach the existing attached session.
- -t: which tmux session you want to attach
- show all the tmux sessions: tmux ls
- create a new window: ctrl a c
- go back to the previous window: ctrl a a
- kill the window: ctrl a &
- change the window name: ctrl a ,
one script to install the development environment for CNTK in ubuntu environment.