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a simple dependency-free javascript birthday picker (date selector). An easy way to pick a day!


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an i18n javascript birthday picker

with a variety of setting options

BirthdayPicker Demo

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. Api
  4. Getting Started
  5. License
  6. Contact



npm install birthdaypicker
<div id="my-div"></div>
import BirthdayPicker from '@/birthdaypicker';
// import BirthdayPicker from "./node_modules/birthdaypicker/index.js";
const options {}; // options (see below)
const bp = new BirthdayPicker('#my-div', options);


<div id="my-div"></div>
<script src=""></script>
  const options = {}; // options (see below)
  const bp = new BirthdayPicker('#my-div', options);

About The Project

I needed a birthday input field that is easy to use and without JS dependencies. "Simple" in this context means: with as few clicks as possible to the result!


  • Coded in vanilla JS.
  • Internationalization (i18n)
    • change the language on the fly
  • BirthdayPicker is dependency-free ;)

BirthdayPicker Demo >>

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First Steps

classic js approach

if you use the classic js approach by loading scripts in html code, just download and integrate the birthdaypicker.umd.js script in your code:

<div id="my-div"></div>
<script src="path/to/birthdaypicker.umd.js"></script>
  // BirthdayPicker is now defined
  const bp = new BirthdayPicker('#my-div');

module js approach

use pnpm / npm / yarn to install the package

pnpm add birthdaypicker
npm install birthdaypicker
yarn add birthdaypicker

and then us it with

<div id="my-div"></div>
<script type="module" defer>
  import BirthdayPicker from './node_modules/birthdaypicker/index.js';
  // BirthdayPicker is now defined
  const bp = new BirthdayPicker('#my-div');

Examples via data API


<!-- with default values -->
<div data-birthdaypicker></div>

<!-- with current date -->
<div data-birthdaypicker="{ 'defaultDate': 'now' }"></div>

<!-- with arrangement set to: day | month | year -->
<div data-birthdaypicker="{ 'arrange': 'dmy' }"></div>

<!-- using multiple values -->
<div data-birthdaypicker="{
  'locale': 'fr',
  'defaultDate': 'now',

<!-- using the settings string -->
<div data-birthdaypicker="locale:fr,defaultDate:now"></div>

Don't forget to call the init function if using the data API.

  // initializes all found BirthdayPicker
  // looking for [data-birthdaypicker]

Example via data API (select boxes in DOM)

Select-boxes boxes must be inside the main container (where the data-birthdaypicker attribute is defined)! If the data attributes are set to the select-boxes, the plugin knows which box should be used for what. Correct syntax for the data attributes (select element):

  • year: data-birthdaypicker-year
  • month: data-birthdaypicker-month
  • day: data-birthdaypicker-day

This scenario (select-boxes in DOM) works best with tailwindcss, as the select-boxes can be styled with classes here.

If select-boxes already exist in the DOM you cannot use the arrange option, eg.: { arrange: 'dmy' }, as this plugin doesn't rearrange existing Elements

1) with special data attribute on the select boxes


<div data-birthdaypicker>
  <select data-birthdaypicker-year></select>
  <select data-birthdaypicker-month></select>
  <select data-birthdaypicker-day></select>

... or use with specified selectors (these selectors take precedence over the data attribute values like data-birthdaypicker-year)

2) with id's


<!-- yearEl, monthEl and dayEl must be a regular querySelector! -->
<div data-birthdaypicker="{
  <select id="myYear"></select>
  <select id="myMonth"></select>
  <select class="myDay"></select>

2) with just 'blank' select boxes


<div data-birthdaypicker="{'arrange':'dmy'}">
  <select></select> <!-- day -->
  <select></select> <!-- month -->
  <select></select> <!-- year -->

Don't forget to call the init function if using the data API.

  // initializes all found BirthdayPicker
  // looking for [data-birthdaypicker]

Example via js

js Example #1

just a div, js does the "magic"!

<!-- initialized with default values -->
<div id="bp1"></div>
<!-- initialized with custom options (see below) -->
<div id="bp2"></div>

<script src="path/to/birthdaypicker.umd.js"></script>
  // initialize with default values
  const bp1 = new BirthdayPicker('#bp1');

  // initialize with current date (new Date(), or 'now')
  const el = document.getElementById('bp2');
  // see 'option API' section for all available options
  const options = { defaultDate: new Date() };
  const bp2 = new BirthdayPicker(el, options);

js Example #2

html file with defined select boxes. Reference these in the options object.

<div id="bp1">
  <select id="myYear"></select>
  <select id="myMonth"></select>
  <select id="myDay"></select>

<script src="path/to/birthdaypicker.umd.js"></script>
  // initialize
  const bp1 = new BirthdayPicker('#bp1', {
    yearEl: '#myYear',
    monthEl: '#myMonth',
    dayEl: '#myDay',
    // ... other options

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// element: a dom reference to one element, or a querySelector string
const element = '#my-div';
// an options-object, see below
const options = {};
const myBirthdayPicker = new BirthdayPicker(element, options);

API / options

options = {
  // sets the minimal age for a person, animal,...
  // if set > 0 it changes the maximal selectable year by it's value
  // e.g.: maxYear: 2022, minAge: 10 -> max selectable year: 2012!
  // default: 0
  // example: 10
  minAge: 0,

  // sets the maximal age for a person, animal,...
  // min selectable year is 1922 if maxYear is 2022 (2022 - 100)
  // default: 100,
  maxAge: 100,

  // sets the minimal year (overrides maxAge)
  // default: null
  // example: 1980
  minYear: null,

  // sets the maximal year
  // default: '(new Date()).getFullYear()'
  // example: 2040 | 'now'
  maxYear: 'now',

  // coming soon
  lowerLimit: null,

  // coming soon
  upperLimit: null,

  // sets the month format for the select box
  // available: 'short', 'long', 'numeric'
  // default: 'short'
  monthFormat: 'short',

  // shows a placeholder for each select box
  // available: true | false
  // default: true
  placeholder: true,

  // if set, name will be added to each select box
  // and [name]-year [name]-month [name]-day (will be added too)
  // where name is the className chosen.
  // e.g.: 'my-class' results in:
  // <select class="my-class my-class-year"></select>
  className: null,

  // sets the selected start date
  // available: 'now' | new Date() | '2020-10-12' (YYYY-MM-DD)
  // default: null
  // example: '2012-12-04'
  defaultDate: null,

  // if the init method should be called on creating an instance:
  // const myBp = new BirthdayPicker(el, {})
  // if set to false, you have to call myBp.init() afterwards.
  // available: true | false
  // default: true
  autoInit: true,

  // if the month and day values in the select-box should have a leading
  // zero or not. If set to true, you will get: 01, 02, 03, ... 10, 11, ...
  // if set to false, you will get: 1, 2, 3, ... 10, 11, ...
  // available: true | false
  // default: true
  leadingZero: true,

  // sets the language to be used
  // available: 'en', 'de', 'fr', ... all country codes with 2chars (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
  // default: 'en'
  locale: 'en',

  // if it should be possible to select a 'future' date
  // false means: unable to select a date in the future
  // available: true | false
  // default: false
  selectFuture: false,

  // to arrange the select-boxes
  // y: year, m: month, d: day
  // so ymd means:  year | month | day
  // ordering is only available, if select boxes are not present in the DOM
  // available: 'ymd', 'ydm', 'myd', 'mdy', 'dmy', 'dym'
  // default: 'ymd'
  arrange: 'ymd',

  // specify a custom select-box for the year
  // must be inside the main element
  // all valid query-strings allowed
  // available: null, valid query-strings (querySelector), or html reference
  // default: null
  // example: '#my-year-select'
  yearEl: null,

  // specify a custom select-box for the month
  // must be inside the main element
  // all valid query-strings allowed
  // available: null, valid query-strings (querySelector), or html reference
  // default: null
  // example: '#my-month-select'
  monthEl: null,

  // specify a custom select-box for the day
  // must be inside the main element
  // all valid query-strings allowed
  // available: null, valid query-strings (querySelector), or html reference
  // default: null
  // example: '#my-day-select'
  dayEl: null,

  // sets days to highest possible value, if the month (or in special cases
  // the year) is changed and the current selected day-value is higher than
  // the possible value for the new month (year).
  // true: rounds down
  // false: returns undefined for the day (so nothing is selected)
  // available: true | false
  // default: true
  // Example:
  // Current date is 2024-02-29 (yyyy-mm-dd)
  // set year back to 2023
  // if roundDownDay is true: day will be: 28
  // if roundDownDay is false: day will be: undefined
  roundDownDay: true

API / methods

const element = '#my-div';
const options = {
  autoInit: false
const myBirthdayPicker = new BirthdayPicker(element, options);

// init: initializes the picker

// getDate returns the current selected date with the language default date-formatting!
// you can change the format, by calling the method with a specific date-format value.
// e.g.: 'yyyy-m-d'
// if date is 2. Sep. 1994
// return values are:
// 'yy'   -> 94
// 'yyyy' -> 1994
// 'mm'   -> 09
// 'm'    -> 9
// 'dd'   -> 02
// 'd'    -> 2

// returns a Date object (like new Date())
// for the current year, month, day values

// returns the age of the subject (person)

// just a small helper method, returns true or false
myBirthdayPicker.isLeapYear(2020); // true

// listen to different events eg.
// available events: init | datechange
const myEventListener = () => {};
myBirthdayPicker.addEventListener('datechange', myEventListener, false);

// remove the event listener
myBirthdayPicker.removeEventListener('datechange', myEventListener);

// set the date to a given value
// e.g.: '2020-10-22' // yyyy-mm-dd: this is the 22. oct. 2020
// or to the current date with new Date()
myBirthdayPicker.setDate(new Date());

// resets the date
// true: resets to the defaultDate (start date);
// false: all select boxes will be reset to default value (if available)

// sets the language for the current instance
// e.g.: 'en', 'de', 'fr', ...

// sets the month format for the current instance
// available: 'short', 'long', 'numeric'

// setter, if the
myBirthdayPicker.useLeadingZero(true); // true | false

// kills the current instance and removes all event-listeners

API / event-listeners

const element = document.querySelector('#my-element');
const options = {};
const myPicker = new BirthdayPicker(element, options);

// available event listeners
const available = [
  'init',        // triggered after init
  'kill',        // triggered when the kill was called
  'daychange',   // triggered when the day value was changed
  'monthchange', // triggered when the month value was changed
  'yearchange',  // triggered when the year value was changed
  'datechange',  // triggered when day, month or year value was changed

// use the instance as event listener
myPicker.addEventListener('datechange', (evt) => {
  // todo something ...

// or the element itself
element.addEventListener('datechange', (evt) => {
  // todo something ...

API / event-listeners (as callback)

inside the option object

const options = {
  // ...
  datechange: (evt) => { /* do stuff */ },
  monthchange: (evt) => { /* do stuff */ },
  // ...
const myPicker = new BirthdayPicker('#my-element', options);

example using all

see the event sequence!

import BirthdayPicker from 'birthdaypicker';
const options = {
  datechange: (evt) => {
    console.log('i am: 1st');
const pickerEl = document.getElementById('my-element');
const picker = new BirthdayPicker(pickerEl, options);

// on instance
picker.addEventListener('datechange', (evt) => {
  console.log('i am: 2nd');

// on DOM element
pickerEl.addEventListener('datechange', (evt) => {
  console.log('i am: 3rd');

API / static Methods


// used to create a locale object for the selected language
// parameter: (string, required)
// eg.: 'de' | 'en' | 'fr'
// returns an object for the given language (if language not found defaults to english 'en')
// is added to BirthdayPicker.i18n


// returns the instance
// (if the element has previously been initialized with new BirthdayPicker('#myBP')
// returns either the instance ore false
htmlElement = document.getElementById('#myBP');


// sets the MonthFormat (select boxes) for all instances
// format: 'short' | 'long' | 'numeric'


// kill all eventListeners
htmlElement = document.getElementById('#myBP');


// kill all registered instances

API / static Properties

// an object with all languages cerated

// shows the current global language as string (2 chars, e.g.: 'en' | 'de')


A small demo of this tool can be view here: BirthdayPicker Demo

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Getting Started


you need to have node and pnpm. skip to prerequisites if you already have this installed ;)

  1. Install node

    1. download download here
    2. via brew
    brew install node
  2. Install pnpm: see here:


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. cd into the cloned repo
    cd birthdaypicker
  3. Install packages
    pnpm install
  4. start (dev)
    pnpm dev

To see all available scripts, open the package.json file or run

pnpm run

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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  • be able to define lowerLimit and upperLimit via new Date()

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Wolfgang Jungmayer -

Project Link:

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coded with ❤ in vienna
by wolfgang jungmayer


a simple dependency-free javascript birthday picker (date selector). An easy way to pick a day!








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