GNU gettext look-alike for js.
This is a translation (T9N) project for js called vox (for lack of a better name) - meaning voice in latin.
Can easily be converted to python or any other languages, by transcripting vox module :)
Why this?
Because translations are not accessed by key, and in case of a missing key or empty string you will still have the original text. eg:
_t('You got mail')
because this will make code more readable.
because translations dictionaries are managed through a software ( eg: poedit )
- linux or xgettext ( tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS )
- python3 ( tested with python 3.10 )
- poedit here ( software for editing translations )
.po files: portable objects. Is the file that holds the translated texts. The line with # indicated the location from where the text has been retrieved. Has the following format:
#: translate.js:94 msgid "JSON files do require an explicit exports statement" msgstr "JSON-Dateien erfordern eine explizite Exports-Anweisung"
.pot files: are .po template files. All the others .po files are generated from this file. Every key in this file is empty.
xgettext: GNU utility used for retrieving the arguments of the functions.
poedit: PC program to edit po files.
- - utility for converting .po to .json
This command will search recursivly for all .js files in current dir and will retrieve the arguments of functions: _t , _tc , _t2
# command (1)
find ./ -type f -iname "*.js" | xargs xgettext --language=JavaScript --from-code=utf-8 --keyword=_t --keyword=_t2:1,2 --keyword=_tc:1c,2 --sort-output --output=./msg/de.pot
_t : is used for text/paragraph translation, no plural.
_tc : translate with context. It is often used to disambiguate identical or similar strings that may have different translations depending on their context.
eg: file could refer to a computer file, or a paper file.
_tc('pcfile','file') _tc('paper','file')
_t2 : pluralise translation. Based on the last argument (43) the correct form of pluralisation will be chosen between the first 2 arguments.
_t2('I have %s apple', 'I have %s apples', 43) // will return: I have 43 apples
First give execution rights to
chmod +x
Convert the .po file to json format. Run the following command, for every .po file that you want to convert to .json.
# command (2)
# generates de.json in current dir
./ de.po
# Specify output directory:
./ de.po ./msg/translate
- Extract the strings by generating the .pot file with command (1)
- Open .pot file in poedit.
- Because it is a new translation, poedit will ask you to generate a .po file. Do it.
- Translate the texts.
- Save file ( Ctrl + S )
- Convert .po to .json with command (2)
- Regenerate .pot file with command (1)
- Open .po file with poedit.
- Go to: Translation -> Update from POT file. The lines with yellow are in a fuzzy state, meaning that source text has been altered. Fuzzy/yellow lines requires your attention.
- Update translations
- Save file ( Ctrl + S )
- Convert .po to .json with command (2)
to detected browser language -
1st argument overwrite detection, usecase: node.js. eg:
- store the translation obj
returns the fetched translation obj, usage:
vox.dex = await vox.fetchDict(URL)
- Let's say you have a React proj.
move generated file eg:
dir. -
fetch .json dictionaries in index.js, before you mount the root.
import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client" import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals" import vox from 'util/vox.js' async function start() { vox.initPluralisation() let URL = `/${vox.lang}.json` vox.dex = await vox.fetchDict(URL) const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")) root.render( <React.StrictMode> <App /> </React.StrictMode> ) } start() reportWebVitals()
somewhere in a component called login.js
import vox from 'util/vox.js let _t = vox._t function Login(){ return ( <div> <h3>{_t("Login")}</h3> <input placeholder={_t("Type Email")}> <input placeholder={_t("Type Password")}> <button>{_t("Login")}</button> </div> ) } export default Login