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HDF5 Routines

tomaszpal edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 36 revisions

HDF5 struct example


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FTI_InitType initializes a FTI data-type that will be treated as binary data in hdf5 file (see: FTI_InitType for more information).


typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b;
} A;
FTIT_type structAinfo ;
//sizeof sturct is safest due to padding
//in more complex structs
FTI_InitType(&structAinfo , sizeof(A));


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  • Initializes a complex data type with structure information for hdf5 file.


int FTI_InitComplexType ( FTIT_type *newType, FTIT_complexType *typeDefinition, int length, size_t size, char* name )


Variable What for?
FTIT_type * newType The data-type to be initialized
FTIT_complexType * typeDefinition The definition of the data-type to be initialized
int length Number of fields in a structure
size_t size The size of a structure
char * name Name of the new datatype in hdf5file.


Value Reason
FTI_SCES Success
FTI_NSCS No success


FTI_InitComplexType initializes a complex FTI data-type with structure information for hdf5 file.
If name is set to NULL FTI will set default value ("Type{id}").

typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b;
} A;

typedef struct B {
    A structA;
    int c[5][4];
} B;

FTIT_complexType structAdef;
addSimpleField(&structAdef, &FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, a), 0, "int a");
addSimpleField(&structAdef, &FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, b), 1, "int b");

FTIT_type structAinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structAinfo , &structAdef), 2, sizeof(A), "struct A", NULL);

FTIT_complexType structBdef;
addSimpleField(&structBdef, &structAinfo, offsetof(B, structA), 0, "A structA");
int dimLength[] = {5, 4};
addComplexField(&structBdef, &FTI_INTG, offsetof(B, c), 2, dimLength, 1, "int array c");

FTIT_type structBinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structBinfo , &structBdef, 2, sizeof(B), "struct B", NULL);


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  • Adds information about a field to a type definition.
  • Simple field is a field that isn't an array.


void FTI_AddSimpleField ( FTIT_complexType* typeDefinition, FTIT_type* ftiType, size_t offset, int id, char* name )


Variable What for?
FTIT_complexType * typeDefinition The definition of the data-type to add field
FTIT_type * ftiType The definition of the data-type to be initialized
size_t offset Offset of the field in the structure
int id Id of the field
char * name Name of the field in hdf5file.


FTI_AddSimpleField adds information about a simple field in complex datatype to a type definition. If user pass NULL to name then default name is used. If given id was previously added, the field with that id is updated.


typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b;
} A;

FTIT_complexType structAdef;

FTI_AddSimpleField(&structAdef, $FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, a), 0, "int a");
FTI_AddSimpleField(&structAdef, $FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, b), 1, "int b");

FTIT_type structAinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structAinfo , &structAdef, 2, sizeof(A), "struct A", NULL);


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  • Adds information about a field to a type definition.
  • Complex field is a field that is an array.


void FTI_AddComplexField ( FTIT_complexType* typeDefinition, FTIT_type* ftiType, size_t offset, int rank, int* dimLength, int id, char* name )


Variable What for?
FTIT_complexType * typeDefinition The definition of the data-type to add field
FTIT_type * ftiType The definition of the data-type to be initialized
size_t offset Offset of the field in the structure
int rank Number of dimensions
int * dimLength Length of each dimension
int id Id of the field
char * name Name of the field in hdf5file.


FTI_AddComplexField adds information about a complex field in complex datatype to a type definition. Complex field is a field that is an array. If user pass NULL to name then default name is used. If given id was previously added, the field with that id is updated.


typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b[5][4];
} A;

FTIT_complexType structAdef;

FTI_AddSimpleField(&structAdef, $FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, a), 0, "int a");
int dimLength[] = {5, 4};
FTI_AddComplexField(&structAdef, $FTI_INTG, offsetof(A, b), 2, &dimLength, 1, "int array b");

FTIT_type structAinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structAinfo , &structAdef, 2, sizeof(A), "struct A", NULL);


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  • Initializes information about a hdf5 group.
  • If parent is set to NULL, parent will be set to the root group.


int FTI_InitGroup ( FTIT_H5Group* h5group, char* name, FTIT_H5Group* parent )


Variable What for?
FTIT_H5Group * h5group The definition of the group to add field
char * name Name of the group to be initialized
FTIT_H5Group * parent The parent group of the group


Value Reason
FTI_SCES Success
FTI_NSCS No success


FTI_InitGroup inits a hdf5 group with given name and parent group. If parent group is set to NULL, then the root group is the parent of this group.


FTIT_H5Group group1;
FTIT_H5Group group2;
//root is the parent of group1
FTI_InitGroup(&group1, "Group 1", NULL);
//group1 is the parent of group2
FTI_InitGroup(&group2, "Group 2", &group1);


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  • Renames a group.


int FTI_RenameGroup ( FTIT_H5Group* h5group, char* name )


Variable What for?
FTIT_H5Group * h5group Group to change name
char * name New name of the group


Value Reason
FTI_SCES Success


FTI_RenameGroup renames given group to the given name.


FTIT_H5Group group;
//group name is "Group"
FTI_InitGroup(&group, "Group", NULL);
//group name is now "New name"
FTI_RenameGroup(&group, "New name");


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  • Defines a dataset.


int FTI_DefineDataset ( int id, int rank, int* dimLength, char* name, FTIT_H5Group* h5group )


Variable What for?
int id Id of the dataset
int rank Rank of the array
int * dimLength Length of each dimension
char * name New name of the dataset
FTIT_H5Group * h5group Group of the dataset


Value Reason
FTI_SCES Success
FTI_NSCS No success


FTI_DefineDataset gives FTI all information needed by HDF5 to correctly save the dataset in the checkpoint file. If the h5group is set to NULL, dataset is assigned to the root group.


int x;
int y[5][5];
FTIT_H5Group group;
FTI_InitGroup(&group, "Group", NULL);

FTI_Protect(1, &x, 1, FTI_INTG);
FTI_DefineDataset(1, 0, NULL, "single int", NULL);

FTI_Protect(2, &y, 25, FTI_INTG);
int dimLength[] = {5, 5};
FTI_DefineDataset(2, 2, dimLength, "single int", &group);


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  • Stores metadata concerning the variable to protect.
  • Name of a variable is set to default.


FTI_Protect (see: FTI_Protect for more information) is used to add data fields to the list of protected variables.


typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b;
} A;

FTIT_complexType structAdef;
FTIT_type structAinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structAinfo , &structAdef, 2, sizeof(A), NULL, NULL);
A someVariable;
FTI_Protect(1, &someVariable, structAinfo);


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  • Stores metadata concerning the variable to protect.
  • Name of a variable is given by user.


int FTI_ProtectWithName ( int id, void *ptr, long count, FTIT_type type, char *name )


Variable What for?
int id Unique ID of the variable to protect
void * ptr Pointer to memory address of variable
long count Number of elements at memory address
FTIT_type type FTI data type of variable to protect
char * name Name of the variable to write in hdf5 file


Value Reason
FTI_SCES Success
FTI_NSCS No success


FTI_ProtectWithName is used the same way as FTI_Protect. The difference is that this function provides a name of variable to protect that will be stored in hdf5 checkpoint file.


typedef struct A {
    int a;
    int b;
} A;

FTIT_complexType structAdef;
FTIT_type structAinfo;
FTI_InitComplexType(&structAinfo , &structAdef, 2, sizeof(A), "struct A", NULL);
A someVariable;
FTI_ProtectWithName(1, &someVariable, structAinfo, "someVariable");

HDF5 struct example

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Code of the struct in example:

struct myStruct {
    char myChars[10];
    int intArray3D[2][3][4];
    long myLong;

FTIT_complexType myStructDef;
int dimLength[3];

dimLength[0] = 10;
addComplexField(&myStructDef, &FTI_CHAR, offsetof(struct myStruct, myChars), 1, dimLength, 0, "my_sweet_chars");

dimLength[0] = 2;
dimLength[1] = 3;
dimLength[2] = 4;
addComplexField(&myStructDef, &FTI_INTG, offsetof(struct myStruct, intArray3D), 3, dimLength, 1, "3D_int_array");

addSimpleField(&myStructDef, &FTI_LONG, offsetof(struct myStruct, myLong), 2, "my_long");

FTIT_type myStructInfo;
InitComplexType(&myStructInfo, &myStructDef, 3, sizeof(struct myStruct), "my_complex_struct", NULL);

Graphical representation of FTIT_complexType myStructDef:



struct myStruct example;
sprintf(example.myChars, "simplestr");
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        for(k = 0; k < 4; k++)
           example.intArray3D[i][j][k] = 100 * i  + 10 * j + k;
example.myLong = 1234560;
FTI_ProtectWithName(1, &example, 1, myStructInfo, "example");


HDF5 "Type2.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   GROUP "dataset" {
      DATASET "example" {
         DATATYPE  "/datatype/my_complex_struct"
         DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1 ) / ( 1 ) }
         DATA {
         (0): {
               [ 115, 105, 109, 112, 108, 101, 115, 116, 114, 0 ],
               [ 0, 1, 2, 3,
                  10, 11, 12, 13,
                  20, 21, 22, 23,
                  100, 101, 102, 103,
                  110, 111, 112, 113,
                  120, 121, 122, 123 ],
   GROUP "datatype" {
      DATATYPE "my_complex_struct" H5T_COMPOUND {
         H5T_ARRAY { [10] H5T_STD_I8LE } "my_sweet_chars";
         H5T_ARRAY { [2][3][4] H5T_STD_I32LE } "3D_int_array";
         H5T_STD_I64LE "my_long";