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ValidationBoof is a set of utilities for validating the correctness of algorithms in BoofCV. This validation done by comparing the performance of BoofCV against datasets with ground truth and against external libraries.

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Source Code:

Running Regressions

To run every benchmark do the following. Module jars need to be rebuilt if BoofCV is ever changes. Look at the command line arguments for regression.jar with the --Help flag to see other options.

  1. Set up e-mail file if desired
  2. To replicate the exact output use JRE 17
  3. Create jars for each module and build the regression application
./gradlew moduleJars;./gradlew regressionJar
  1. Run regression
git clean -fd regression/baseline/
java -jar regression.jar
  1. Check e-mail for summary of changes from baseline

Settings Up Results E-Mailing

Create a file called "email_login.txt". DO NOT ADD TO GIT.

  • First line is your login.
  • Second line is your password.
  • Third line is the destination e-mail.

This is configured for gmail only right now. You need to turn on "Allow less secure apps" by going to

Running Periodically

In Linux, to run the regression test periodically you can use the crontab. Open the crontab with "crontab -e" command then end the line at the bottom. It will run the task at noon on Wednesday and Saturday. Output will be saved to USER's home directory.

00 12 * * 3,6 export PATH="/path/to/JDK/bin:$PATH";/usr/bin/python3 /home/USER/ValidationBoof/scripts/ > /home/USER/cron_output.log 2>&1


Source code used to validate the correctness of BoofCV






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