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This is the README information of the following publication:

Learning Multifunctional Binary Codes for Both Category and Attribute Oriented Retrieval Tasks,

Version 1.0, Copyright(c) July, 2017

Haomiao Liu, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen.

All Rights Reserved.

Example usage:

  1. Modify "Makefile.config" according to your system, and follow the instructions on "" to compile the source code (only "make all" is needed, you don't need to compile the test codes). This version of caffe is tested with cudnn v6.

  2. Run "CFW_60k/Create_labelfiles.m" or "ImageNet_150k/Create_labelfiles.m" in MATLAB to generate the list files of training and test data. These two scripts must be executed in "CFW_60k" or "ImageNet_150k" folder respectively.

  3. Run "CFW_60k/" or "ImageNet_150k/" to convert the data to LMDB format. You may need to modify the paths in these files according to where you stored your data.

  4. Run "CFW_60k/" or "ImageNet_150k/" to train an example model with 256-bit binary code. You can modify the "train_test.prototxt" by changing "num_output" of the "binary_code" layer to produce models for other codelengths. The pre-trained model on CFW-60k could be obtained at "" with password "a9m7" or at "", and the pre-trained model on ImageNet-150k could be obtained by using the following command: "./scripts/ models/bvlc_reference_caffenet" Note that you need to put the pre-trained models in the corresponding folders, as in indicated in "".

  5. Run "CFW_60k/" or "ImageNet_150k/" to get the "real-valued" binary code, category labels, and predicted attributes of test images, stored in "code.dat", "label.dat", and "attribute.dat" respectively. For more details about these files, please refer to "tools/extract_features_binary.cpp" and "test_map.m" for more details. You can modify the paths in these files to extract binary codes from other models.

  6. Run "CFW_60k/test.m" or "ImageNet_150k/test.m" to compute the retrieval mAP or recall of the model on different tasks (this may take some time). Note that in the paper, all evaluations on ImageNet-150k, including our method and the comparative methods, are performed with data augmentation (four corners and center crop, and their horizontal flips), thus it is normal that the performance on ImageNet-150k is a little bit lower than that reported in the paper.

About the datasets:

  1. For CFW-60k, we follow the original publication to partition the dataset, resulting in 55,000 training images and 5,000 test images. Among the training images, the first 1,000 correspond to "Train-Both" set, the following 4,000 belong to "Train-Attribute" set, and the last 50,000 are the "Train-Category" set. Please refer to the paper and "CFW_60k/dataset_info.mat" for more details.

  2. For ImageNet-150k, we have 148,000 training images and 2,000 test images. Similarly, we have partitioned the data into four sets. Among the training set, the first 5,000 correspond to "Train-Both" set, the following 43,000 belong to "Train-Attribute" set, and the last 100,000 are the "Train-Category" set. Please refer to the paper and "ImageNet_150k/dataset_info.mat" for more details.

  3. On both datasets, the attributes are annotated with negative (-1), unsure (0), positive (+1), and missing (2). In our experiments, both negative samples (-1) and unsure samples (0) are treated as negative.

About the cost-sensitive sigmoid cross entropy loss:

This loss function is used in our method for attribute prediction. For the j-th attribute, the weights for positive and negative samples are calculated as follows:

r_j = number of negative sample / number of positive sample

w_j^positive = r_j / (r_j + 1) w_j^negative = 1 / (r_j + 1)

In our implementation, r_j are listed in the prototxt files. For more details about this loss function, please refer to the paper (Section 3.3).


A video demo of the proposed image retrieval method is available at: or

A web demo of the proposed method is under development, and will be available soon, please stay focused.

Please refer to the following paper if you find the source code and the ImageNet-150k dataset helpful:

Haomiao Liu, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen.

Learning Multifunctional Binary Codes for Both Category and Attribute Oriented Retrieval Tasks

In Proc. CVPR 2017.

