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Multi-Task Self-training for Object detection and Semantic segmentation

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MulTaS: MULti-TAsk Self-training of object detection and semantic segmentation

The source code has been used for our papers in the ICCV 2023 workshop and BMVC 2023. If you are involving the source code in your research, please consider citing our papers:

    author    = {L\^e, Ho\`ang-\^An and Pham, Minh-Tan},
    title     = {Self-Training and Multi-Task Learning for Limited Data: Evaluation Study on Object Detection},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {1003-1009}

    author    = {L\^e, Ho\`ang-\^An and Pham, Minh-Tan},
    title     = {Data exploitation: multi-task learning of object detection and semantic segmentation on partially annotated data},
    booktitle = {34th British Machine Vision Conference 2023, {BMVC} 2023, Aberdeen, UK, November 20-24, 2023},
    publisher = {BMVA},
    year      = {2023}



We use the anaconda for managing environment, all the packages and installation can be found in the environments.yml and installed by running the following command.

conda env create --name envname --file=environments.yml


Pascal VOC

Download the Pascal VOC2007 and VOC212 datasets and place them in the datasets directories following the follow structure.

|-- VOC2007
|   |-- Annotations
|   |-- ImageSets
|   |-- JPEGImages
|   |-- SegmentationClass
|   `-- SegmentationObject
|-- VOC2012
|   |-- Annotations
|   |-- ImageSets
|   |-- JPEGImages
|   |-- SegmentationClass
|   `-- SegmentationObject

The ImageSets directories contain the splits used in the paper and are provided at datasets/imgsetVOC, you can create a symlink to it by

cd multas/datasets
ln -s imgsetVOC VOCdevkit

Scripts are provided in data/scripts to automate the process and can be run by the following command

./data/scripts/ datasets/

Augmented VOC (SBD) dataset

Download the SBD dataset and read the mat files using on python. The segmentation can be accessed via mat["GTcls"][0]["Segmentation"][0].


Self-Training on Object Detection

Training teacher network

python --seed 0 --size 320 --batch_size 5 --lr 0.01 --eval_epoch 1\
                --double_aug --match mg --conf_loss gfc \
                --backbone resnet50 --neck pafpn \
                --dataset VOC --imgset Half

where imgset is in Half, Quarter, or Eighth

Training student network

python    --seed 0 --size 320 --batch_size 10 --lr 0.01 --eval_epoch 1\
                    --double_aug --match iou --conf_loss gfc \
                    --backbone resnet18 --neck fpn \
                    --dataset VOC  --imgset Half \
                    --teacher_backbone resnet50 --teacher_neck pafpn \
                    --kd hard+pdf --tdet_weights [path/to/teacher/weights.pth]


  • imgset is Main, Half, Quarter, Eighth for overlapping training sets or Half2, 3Quarter, 7Eighth for disjoint training sets
  • kd is hard (supervised training), soft, soft+mse, soft+pdf, soft+defeat (self-training training). As such the Main split should only be used with soft-based distillation.

Multi-task learning

Coming soon


The repo is based on this repo by @zhanghengdev.


Multi-Task Self-training for Object detection and Semantic segmentation



