- Create directory 'liberry' anywhere on your filesystem. This directory will be referred to as LIBERRY_HOME henceforth. Set the env variable LIBERRY_HOME to this directory.
- Create directories 'pi' and 'central' within it
- Create directories 'code', 'content', 'output' in both 'pi' and 'central' directories
- Create directories 'pi' and 'central' within the 'output' directories created in the last step
- Clone the 'platform' repository in the 'code' directory in both 'pi' and 'central' directories
- sudo apt-get install node
- sudo npm install -g pm2
- pm2 install pm2-logrotate
- sudo apt-get install node-vows
- sudo npm install -g sequelize-cli
- sudo apt-get install sqlite3
- cd /home//liberry/code
- npm install
- Create database 'liberry' in your MySQL instance
- Update the password for 'root' user in the env.js file
- sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.5
- cd into $LIBERRY_HOME/pi/code or $LIBERRY_HOME/central/code depending upon which server you want to run
- Set the env variables
- 'export MODE=pi' or 'export MODE=central'
- sequelize db:migrate
- pm2 start app.js
- Node.js based backend
- Hapi.js as the web framework on top of Node.js
- PM2 as the process manager to run, monitor, log
- SQLite3 as the Database for the Pi server
- MySQL as the Database for the Central server
- Sequelize as the ORM and Migration framework
- Vows.js as the testing framework
- Travis CI for automated testing
- user - Represents both the end user and the admin. The difference between end user and admin is the 'role' field.
- category - Represents the category and content would belong to. Just a way to categorize the content.
- module - Represents a course containing many videos/texts/games. Belongs to a particular category.
- content - Represents the actual content that the end user would consume. It holds the path to the actual file on the filesystem.
- playlist - Represents a sequence of content to be played.
- playlist_content - Used to define the content that a playlist contains along with the order in which the content should be played.
- device - Represents a Raspberry Pi device
- location - Represents a location(school, village, etc) where a Rapsberry Pi is installed
- app -Represents a frontend app that is deployed on the Pi
- activity - Captures the action of a user watching a content
- User can register to the app using /register endpoint and providing necessary details
- User needs to access all other endpoints by providing the username:password with base64 encoding (Basic Auth)
- There is no session maintained. All requests need to carry the Authentication header
- User can access the /me endpoint to get his details
- Admin can access /me endpoint to get his details
- Admin needs to be created directly in the DB. There is no way to register someone as Admin
- Admin can upload the user.sql table to /syncdb url to insert the data into central DB
- Admin can hit /download endpoint to dump the DB tables and pull new code of platform-pi in the liberry directory
- /download does not actually download the data to the pendrive. That has to be done separately
- Admin can create new devices, locations, categories, modules, content, playlist, etc
- User can register to the app using /register endpoint and providing necessary details
- User needs to access all other endpoints by providing the username:password with base64 encoding (Basic Auth)
- There is no session maintained. All requests need to carry the Authentication header
- User can access the /me endpoint to get his details
- CRUD endpoints available for all content related tables. Only Admin can do write operations though
- Admin can access /me endpoint to get his details
- Admin needs to be created directly in the DB. There is no way to register someone as Admin
- Admin can download the dump of 'user' table using /download?path=/path/to/liberry/directory/on/pendrive endpoint
- Admin can upload new content and code using /upload?path=/path/to/liberry/directory/on/pendrive endpoint
- Admin can sync all the content related tables using /syncdb?path=/path/to/liberry/directory/on/pendrive endpoint
- Admin can restart the server using endpoint /restart
- 'database.sqlite' file which is the actual database
- 'code' directory containing the latest codebase of platform
- 'content' directory containing all the content files
- 'output/central' directory containing the dump created by accessing /download endpoint
- 'database.sqlite' file which is the actual database
- 'code' directory containing the latest codebase of platform
- 'content' directory containing all the content files
- 'output/pi' directory containing the dump created by accessing /download endpoint
- 'code' directory containing the latest codebase of platform
- 'content' directory containing all the content files
- 'output/central' directory containing the dump created by accessing /download endpoint on the central server.
- 'output/pi' directory in which the pi server will dump it's own database tables. The files will have naming convention mac_table.sql