The following career level descriptions are a guideline for the expectations the team members can have towards a colleague of a given level. A team member who wants to reach the next level needs to fulfill the vast majority of these expectations to be promoted to the next level. It is ok to have a few gaps if they are offset by coming in above expectations in other areas. By the time a team member progresses from a level towards the next level, they should have fulfilled all the expectations of the current level completely.
- Intern Developer
- Junior Developer 1
- Junior Developer 2
- Midlevel Developer 1
- Midlevel Developer 2
- Senior Developer 1
- Senior Developer 2
- Principal Developer
Maker Track Manager Track
Principal Developer Team Lead
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Senior Developer II------------|
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Senior Developer I------------|
Midlevel Developer II
Midlevel Developer I
Junior Developer II
Junior Developer I
Intern Developer
Our salaries are fixed per level and public within the team. You can view them here
- You can initiate a conversation about an evaluation with your team lead at any time. Let your team lead know and give her / him some time to prepare.
- If you don't initiate it, your team lead will initiate it twice a year (January / July)
- In your one-on-ones, you and your team lead will do an assessment of your work compared to your current and next career level, based on feedback collected from others
- Both of you identify gaps and differences and make a plan what to do about it and how to improve
- You regularly check in with your team lead in one-on-ones about improvements in the identified areas
- When your team-lead thinks you have reached the next level they make a case for it with the other team leads
- Christian suggests a promotion to the management team
We want to offer career progression possibilities to the team members employed as "working students", even though their position in the contract has to stay "working student" for legal reasons.
Working students are limited to 20 hours per week, have flexible working schedule, and are encouraged to prioritise university responsibilities over job responsibilities. This makes certain activities from our career ladder not viable, namely:
- participating in our support responsibility
- taking on the role of the squad coordinator
When assessing the level of a working student, we want to exclude the points related to the above activities. This in turn means that career progression may be limited to a certain level, if, for example, being a squad coordinator is a key part of the next level.
We form project groups (we call them "squads") to work on a certain topic or a few features that are related to each other. The squad works for 4 sprints (4 weeks).
Squad Coordinator is a facilitating role that helps us organise work within a squad. Among other things a Squad Coordinator is responsible for improving communication within the squad and checking if the squad is on track. Squad Coordinator is not a leader role. Everybody is encouraged to be a Squad Coordinator, regardless of their work experience and title.
The IT department is split into a few sub-teams. Every team is managed by a team lead and the team leads report to the CTO. Among other things a team lead is responsible for running regular 1-on-1's, helping with career progression and extra areas of expertise assigned to their team.