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Meeting Notes 2023 11 13

Elias Rohrer edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 1 revision


  • 0.0.119 (
    • Issue list is long atm, hasn’t been pruned yet
    • Async signing is one of the big goals here
    • Also more BOLT 12 support
    • Devrandom: i have a PR 2635, so i want to be able to change the chan value and funding keys because i’m supporting splicing in VLS. the solution i had in the PR wasn’t super clean, but would be good to have some way to do that.
    • Matt: was hoping to see what we did for splicing because more likely … i don’t think this solved the issue for LDK splicing clients, so was hesitant, specifically bc within one in-mem chan we have one in-mem signer, which supports multiple diff spliced versions, so we’ll probably need to pass the channel value.. We need a bigger api change in general here for splicing.
  • 0.1 (

Roadmap Progress

  • Developer support
  • Payment protocols
    • Trying to get more BOLT 12 support into 119
    • Jeff has a PR open starting to support direct-connection, should go under review this week
    • Val next route blinding PR close to merge. Hoping to support multi-hop blinded path receiving in 119, and full blinded forwarding support in 120
  • Language bindings
    • Nothing new here on the swift end
    • Matt: we have early alpha of c# bindings! We should have an early tester this week too.
  • Taproot support
    • Arik: was able to rebase next TR PR. still revising it to make sense w the current codebase. Hoping to get some PRs in 119.
    • There’s been some reshuffling of priorities so we may be deprioritizing TR after this for a couple months in favor of async payments
  • Anchor outputs (DONE)
  • RGS (Rapid Gossip Sync)
    • Some bug fixes have been merged into the server as of saturday
    • Recommend that people upgrade their RGS servers to the latest version
    • It’s an edge case that’s fixed but still
  • LSP
    • Jcantrell: working on getting review for latest features such as MPP support and more follow-ups
    • Plan to rename crate and move it
  • VSS (Versioned Storage Service)
    • Next step merged into LDK
    • Working on client side encryption
    • Some discussion over vec allocation
    • After that, will go ahead with phase 1 launch
  • LDK Node
    • Aiming for the next release soon-ish
    • Adding electrum support to the lightning-transaction-sync crate within LDK
  • Dual funding channels + Splicing
    • Dunxen and jurvis and wilmer are primarily working on this
    • There’s a review club after this meeting touching on interactive tx construction portion of this. Recommend attending if you’re interested

Dependent Projects


  • 2023/11/06 (
    • Some BOLT 12 retries discussion. We’re sticking with our strategy of firing off several invoice requests at the start and not bothering to retry
    • Optimistic about coop close rewrite, should allow us to remove a whole class of FCs where we fail to negotiate fees. Would like to have that done when lnd ships it.


  • review begs?
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