The open source version of GAC (Grab Activation Code) Spammer written in PHP for CLI.
Note: CALL Spamming method has been removed from current version due of huge harassment.
Usage: php GAC_Spammer.php <phone_number> [SMS|CALL|ALL]
This project is intended for educational purposes only. Developer is not responsible for any misuse.
- Spamming will now continue 1 second after last request instead of 30 seconds for best efficiency. (2019-02-03)
- Request CALL OTP will be made from 8 different countries. (2019-02-03)
- Spamming SMS and CALL at once is now possible by "ALL" spamming method. (2019-02-03)
- Succeed OTP Request output will now show spamming method. (2019-02-03)
- Unusual Response Warning output will now be removed. (2019-02-03)
- Hit number on the title will now parse to Number Format. (2019-02-03)
- cURL Extension is no longer needed, replaced with file_get_contents. (2019-02-04)
- Improved chance to see more phone numbers on CALL spamming. (2019-02-04)
- Removed unnecessary code. (2019-02-04)
- Removed CALL spamming method due of huge harassment. (2019-02-24)
- OTP Length will now be randomized between 4 and 8. (2019-02-24)