Everytime I run command to extarct file, I always worry some files might merged into old directory(same name) without alert which corrupt the old directory structure or lose the files tracking(where the files go).
Automatically mkdir to eXtracts .iso, .zip, .gz(single file), .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.xz, .deb, .rar, ls files, cd, remove source file, rename incrementally, touch, and with regex *
This bash script combines all steps (mkdir, 7z/unzip/tar/gzip/ar x/unar r, cd before extract(if .deb) or after extract, which also performs ls -larthiF --context --color (sort by time), remove source file if -c, rename/update new destination directory with default basename_ PLUS pretty incremental number without worry accidentally overwritten(similar to how file explorer do). Touch file/directory to easier sort by time later. Also able to work in regex * looping with multiple different paths while also able to ls.)
The name "unx" inspired by UNp, UN-tar, UNzip and eXtracts.
Add alias in ~/.bash_aliases (don't forget run source ~/.bash_aliases
if want to test without restart bash). Modify the script path to yours.
alias unx='. /home/xiaobai/note/sh/unx/unx.sh'
sudo apt install p7zip-full unzip tar gzip binutils unar
#Note: binutils is for installing ar command.
unx [-c|-s|-v] myArchive.tar.gz
unx [-c|-s|-v] myArchive.tgz
unx [-c|-s|-v] myArchive.tar
Pass -s or --stay, the default is `cd` to destination directory (last directory if multiple *) after extract, but -s will stay on original/current directory after extracted. Note that it doesn't means stay on current directory when on progress since `ar x` requires `cd`, but it means cd back to original directory on complete.
Pass -c or --clear, to delete source file such as .tar/.zip/.gz/.iso/.deb file. It will not delete if failed to extract, or destination file/directory is empty. Extract .iso will prompt [y/n] if this flag provided.
Pass -v or --verbose, to list parent directory of destination directory/file on progress. Also included log such as which directory is skipped(e.g. happen if run with regex *) and which file is trying.
Un-rar only performs basic extraction by unar r which has its own syntax of incrementing directory name, --clear and -stay doesn't works on it.
unx myArchive.tar
unx /home/user/myArchive.tar
unx myArchive.tar -scv
unx *
unx ../*
unx ../* -c
unx ../* -s
unx ../*.xz -s
unx ../*.deb -s
unx ../*.zip -s
unx ../*.gz -s
unx *.gz -s
unx *.tar.gz -sc
unx *.gz -scv
unx *.iso
unx foo.rar