This repository works as a static resource for the LineageOS Updater app for the specific builds provided within this organization.
Here, plain test files with the naming convention <device_name> (example: are stored and filled to provide the change log. To make the Updater app of LineageOS show this file instead of the original location used by LineageOS, the string menu_changelog_url
needs to be overlaid with the "raw" view of the file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<string name="menu_changelog_url" translatable="false"></string>
Right now empty, but once such builds are regularly provided from here (e.g. because a specific device would not be offered by LineageOS originally), the respective device .json files will be created here. Documentation please see in next section.
Json files of the naming <device_name>.json (example: hotdog.json) are stored here to tell the Updater app from where to fetch the updates.
To make this work, the system property lineage.updater.uri
needs to be set as follows:
See e.g. this commit:
The file format and contents are documented in the README of the android_packages_apps_Updater
repository in the LineageOS org.