For the sole purpose of proving people did stuff.
On a side note... these are the writeups for the few questions we managed to complete.
General Skills
Question | Points |
Obedient Cat | 5 |
Python Wrangling | 10 |
Wave a flag | 10 |
Nice netcat... | 15 |
Static ain't always noise | 20 |
Tab, Tab, Attack | 20 |
Magikarp Ground Mission | 30 |
Question | Points |
Mod 26 | 10 |
Mind your Ps and Qs | 20 |
New Caesar | 60 |
Dachshund Attacks | 80 |
Pixelated | 100 |
Play Nice | 110 |
It is my Birthday 2 | 170 |
New Vignere | 300 |
Web Exploitation
Question | Points |
Ancient History | 10 |
GET aHEAD | 20 |
Cookies | 40 |
Scavenger Hunt | 50 |
Some Assembly Required 1 | 70 |
It is my Birthday | 100 |
Most Cookies | 150 |
Question | Points |
information | 10 |
Weird File | 20 |
Matryoshka doll | 30 |
Wireshark doo dooo do doo... | 50 |
Trivial Flag Transfer Protocol | 90 |
Disk, disk, sleuth! | 110 |
Disk, disk, sleuth! II | 130 |
Reverse Engineering
Question | Points |
Transformation | 20 |
keygenme-py | 30 |
crackme-py | 30 |
speeds and feeds | 50 |
Shop | 50 |
Binary Exploitation
Question | Points |
What's your input | 50 |