An R package aims to automatically select models and tune parameters, built upon the popular package caret.
The main function mpTune
can tune hyper-parameters of a list of models simultaneously with parallel support.
It also has functionality to give an unbiased performance estimate of the mpTune
Currently, classification, regression and survival models are supported.
data(Sonar, package = 'mlbench');
inTraining <- sample(1:nrow(Sonar), floor(nrow(Sonar)*0.6), replace = TRUE);
training <- Sonar[inTraining, ];
testing <- Sonar[-inTraining, ];
Internal models are ranked to their empirical performance and model simplicity, function
shows the list.
print(getDefaultModel(4, type = 'classification'))
## [1] "rf" "gbm" "svmRadial" "nb"
To fit the first 4 models (random forest, stochastic gradient boosting, svm with RBF kernal, naive Bayes), we simply do:
registerDoMC(cores = detectCores() - 1);
sonarTuned <- mpTune(
formula = Class ~. ,
data = training,
models = 4,
mpTnControl = mpTuneControl(
samplingFunction = createCVFolds, nfold = 3, repeats = 1,
stratify = TRUE, classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = requireSummary(metric = c('AUC', 'BAC', 'Kappa'))),
gridLength = 3,
randomizedLength = 3,
modelControl = list(
gbm = list(verbose = FALSE),
balancedRF = list(ntree = 100, sampsize = quote(rep(min(table(y)), 2)))
## The best model based on AUC is **svmRadial**, with parameter(s) and mpTune performance:
## sigma C AUC BAC Kappa AUC SD BAC SD Kappa SD
## 0.02245 10.39 0.9783 0.8678 0.7403 0.01081 0.03708 0.07202
## No failure.
Note the above tuning only use one 1 level of cross validation, to simultaneously select model and its hyper-parameters.
To see ranks of all models by metric,
## - AUC :
## - svmRadial :
## + sigma : 0.022 [0.007, 0.022]
## + C : 10.387 [2.328, 10.387]
## + AUC : 0.978 (0.011)
## + BAC : 0.868 (0.037)
## + Kappa : 0.740 (0.072)
## - rf :
## + mtry : 2 [2, 60]
## + AUC : 0.972 (0.016)
## + BAC : 0.902 (0.024)
## + Kappa : 0.806 (0.049)
## - gbm :
## + shrinkage : 0.002 [0.002, 0.170]
## + interaction.depth : 5 [1, 5]
## + n.trees : 5000 [50, 5000]
## + AUC : 0.961 (0.023)
## + BAC : 0.877 (0.000)
## + Kappa : 0.757 (0.002)
## - nb :
## + usekernel : TRUE {FALSE, TRUE}
## + fL : 0
## + AUC : 0.921 (0.044)
## + BAC : 0.839 (0.038)
## + Kappa : 0.677 (0.074)
## - BAC :
## - rf :
## + mtry : 2 [2, 60]
## + AUC : 0.972 (0.016)
## + BAC : 0.902 (0.024)
## + Kappa : 0.806 (0.049)
## - gbm :
## + shrinkage : 0.002 [0.002, 0.170]
## + interaction.depth : 5 [1, 5]
## + n.trees : 5000 [50, 5000]
## + AUC : 0.961 (0.023)
## + BAC : 0.877 (0.000)
## + Kappa : 0.757 (0.002)
## - svmRadial :
## + sigma : 0.01 [0.007, 0.022]
## + C : 2.328 [2.328, 10.387]
## + AUC : 0.957 (0.019)
## + BAC : 0.870 (0.050)
## + Kappa : 0.742 (0.099)
## - nb :
## + usekernel : TRUE {FALSE, TRUE}
## + fL : 0
## + AUC : 0.921 (0.044)
## + BAC : 0.839 (0.038)
## + Kappa : 0.677 (0.074)
## - Kappa :
## - rf :
## + mtry : 2 [2, 60]
## + AUC : 0.972 (0.016)
## + BAC : 0.902 (0.024)
## + Kappa : 0.806 (0.049)
## - gbm :
## + shrinkage : 0.002 [0.002, 0.170]
## + interaction.depth : 5 [1, 5]
## + n.trees : 5000 [50, 5000]
## + AUC : 0.961 (0.023)
## + BAC : 0.877 (0.000)
## + Kappa : 0.757 (0.002)
## - svmRadial :
## + sigma : 0.01 [0.007, 0.022]
## + C : 2.328 [2.328, 10.387]
## + AUC : 0.957 (0.019)
## + BAC : 0.870 (0.050)
## + Kappa : 0.742 (0.099)
## - nb :
## + usekernel : TRUE {FALSE, TRUE}
## + fL : 0
## + AUC : 0.921 (0.044)
## + BAC : 0.839 (0.038)
## + Kappa : 0.677 (0.074)
Meanings of bracket symbols above: [minimum, maximum], {value 1, value 2, ..., value k}, (standard deviation).
To add more models using the same resamples and performance metric
sonarTuned <- more(sonarTuned, models = 'glmnet');
Fit the best model:
bestModel <- fit(sonarTuned, metric = 'AUC')
## Model **svmRadial** is chosen, with parameter(s) tuned based on AUC:
## sigma C AUC BAC Kappa AUC SD BAC SD Kappa SD
## 0.02245 10.39 0.9783 0.8678 0.7403 0.01081 0.03708 0.07202
Predict on new sample
sonarTestPred <- predict(bestModel, newdata = testing);
Since we have tune on a list of models, each of which has a list of hyper-parameter configurations, the performance of the best
model from the output of mpTune
is biased (selection bias). To account for this selection bias, we will either evaluate our
selected model on new data (usually not available), or use an outer resampling.
sonarTunedPerf <- resample(sonarTuned, nfold = 3, repeats = 1, stratify = TRUE);
## Resampled performance:
## AUC BAC Kappa
## Mean 0.93644 0.83038 0.6616
## SD 0.02853 0.06083 0.1227
## resampleSize 3.00000 3.00000 3.0000
## Mean Spearson correlation of model ranks between resamples:
## AUC BAC Kappa
## resample consistency 0.7333333 0.7333333 0.8333333
You can also check the mean correlation of model ranking among the outer resamples.
## AUC BAC Kappa
## resample consistency 0.7333333 0.7333333 0.8333333
Similar to classification.
data(pbc, package = 'randomForestSRC');
pbc <- na.omit(pbc);
pbc <- pbc[sample(nrow(pbc), 100), ];
survTune <- mpTune(
Surv(days, status) ~.,
data = pbc,
models = list(
Cox = 'coxph',
elasticnet = 'glmnet',
gbm = 'gbm',
survivalForest = 'rfsrc',
boostedSCI = 'glmboost'
mpTnControl = mpTuneControl(
samplingFunction = createCVFolds,nfold = 3, repeats = 1,
stratify = TRUE, summaryFunction = survivalSummary),
modelControl = list(
boostedSCI = list(family = SCI()),
gbm = list(verbose = FALSE)
gridLength = 2,
randomizedLength = 3
## The best model based on C-index is **survivalForest**, with parameter(s) and mpTune performance:
## mtry C-index Spearman Pearson C-index SD Spearman SD Pearson SD
## 2 0.8191 0.5585 0.5616 0.05234 0.2932 0.3287
## No failure.
Check model ranks by concordance index:
summary(survTune, metric = 'C-index');
## - C-index :
## - survivalForest :
## + mtry : 2 [2, 17]
## + C-index : 0.819 (0.052)
## + Spearman : 0.558 (0.293)
## + Pearson : 0.562 (0.329)
## - elasticnet :
## + alpha : 0 [0.000, 1.000]
## + lambda : 0.334 [0.005, 2.495]
## + C-index : 0.788 (0.064)
## + Spearman : 0.527 (0.274)
## + Pearson : 0.485 (0.238)
## - gbm :
## + shrinkage : 0.026 [0.001, 0.105]
## + interaction.depth : 2 [2, 5]
## + n.trees : 50 [50, 5000]
## + C-index : 0.787 (0.063)
## + Spearman : 0.359 (0.345)
## + Pearson : 0.367 (0.346)
## - Cox :
## + parameter : none
## + C-index : 0.739 (0.067)
## + Spearman : 0.406 (0.153)
## + Pearson : 0.282 (0.100)
## - boostedSCI :
## + nu : 0.1 [0.030, 0.100]
## + prune : no
## + mstop : 50 [50, 500]
## + C-index : 0.720 (0.018)
## + Spearman : 0.513 (0.319)
## + Pearson : 0.469 (0.235)