The LiquidLinux project is a/an archlinux based distribution designed for productivity, and multi-tasking built with MAUI-shell Desktop Environment with enhanced backend, also, with the enjoy of advance.
The following packages need to be installed to be able to create an image with the included scripts:
- arch-install-scripts
- awk
- dosfstools
- e2fsprogs
- erofs-utils (optional)
- findutils
- grub
- gzip
- libarchive
- libisoburn
- mtools
- openssl
- pacman
- sed
- squashfs-tools
For running the images in a virtualized test environment the following packages are required:
- edk2-ovmf
- qemu
For linting the shell scripts the following package is required:
- shellcheck
Liquid Linux is licensed under the terms of the GPL-3.0-or-later (see LICENSE).