Automatically(ish) install add-ons to Creatures 3 and/or Docking Station. All original Creatures files are backed up in the event that something goes wrong.
There are two folders in the directory:
Folder | Game |
C3 | Creatures 3 |
DS | Docking Station |
Simply unzip your add-ons into the appropriate folder for the appropriate game. One caveat: If your add-on unzips as a single file, you'll need to create a new folder to move it into.
Once your add-ons are unzipped, simply run Creatures Add-on Installer.
usage: [-h] [-i PATH] [-b PATH] [-c PATH] [-s] [-u]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i PATH, --input_dir PATH
The path to the input directory containing the add-ons
to install.
-b PATH, --backup_dir PATH
The path to the directory where backups of the
original game files are stored.
-c PATH, --creatures_dir PATH
The path to your Creatures Exodus installation.
-s, --skip_backup Don't create any backups, just install patches and
-u, --uninstall Uninstall add-ons and restore any original files from
backups (if available).