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Navi - a message library for LÖVE

written by litearc

LÖVE forum topic

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Hi everyone, thanks for downloading Navi, a message system I wrote for the game engine LÖVE. Navi refers to the little fairy from Zelda who interrupts you randomly with different messages, hence the title of the library. Navi lets you create messages like those found in most RPGs. It has many features and is fairly easy to use (I hope). The tutorial can get you started, but if you plan to use this in a game, it may help to read through everything so you know what is and isn't featured in the library. The demo which shows off many of these features may also help. If you would like any features to be implemented, let me know and if it's easy enough, I'll add them in. Also, don't forget to report bugs! This was written in LÖVE v0.8.0, but it should work in older versions also.


Before we start, I want to make a quick note about the way Navi is packaged. Navi uses various resources that are shared with other libraries, so I packaged these resources into an object called arc. Thus, to use Navi, you need to first load the arc module.

To use Navi:

  1. Load the required libraries:
arc_path = 'arc/'
require(arc_path .. 'arc')
_navi = require(arc_path .. 'navi')

The global variable arc_path is the directory the modules are stored in with respect to main.lua.

  1. Setup arc by including the following calls inside the love functions:
function love.keypressed(k)

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

This assumes the default function, so it may differ if you're using a custom function. The important thing is to call the arc functions in the following order: arc.set_key(), arc.check_keys(), and arc.clear_key().

  1. Create a Navi message:
msg = _navi:new('Hello world!')
  1. Play the message by including a call in love.draw():

This call needs to be included above arc.clear_key().

You should see a message pop up in the top-left of the screen. There are a lot of options you can specify to modify the message. If you leave them out as you did here, then default values are filled in. The reference below explains Navi's various features and how to use them.

Class functions

_navi:new(s, opt)
The constructor function used to create a message.

  • s (string)
    String to display. It can contain 'formatters' that are not displayed but instead have some effect on the message. (see the Formatters section).
  • opt (table) (optional)
    Table of options to control various aspects of the message. If options are left out, default values are used (see Options section).

Initializes the message to make it ready for use. It is automatically called by the constructor, but if you want to replay the message, you can call it again.

_navi:play(x, y)
Plays the message.

  • x, y (int)
    The x and y display coordinates of the message.

_navi:is_over() (boolean)
Returns whether the message is done playing out.

_navi:get_pick() (int)
Returns the choice picked by the player. If the message has no choices or if called before a choice is selected, it returns nil.

_navi.play_list(m, x, y)
Plays out a list of messages sequentially.

  • m (array of _navi objects)
    List of messages to play out.
  • x, y
    The x and y display coordinates of the messeges.


Formatters are pieces of string that are not displayed but have some effect on the message. The various formatters are listed below.

Changes the text color. The color is defined by the letter-pairs. RR: red, GG: green, BB: blue, AA: alpha.

Changes the text color (alternate way). The color is looked up in the table arc.col. e.g. |c{red} changes the text color to

Inserts a newline.

Continues the message in the next message box This formatting option only works with the option nrows.

Pauses the message until the arc.btn.ent key is pressed.

Pauses the message (short).

Pauses the message (long). The pauses are equal to the time it takes to display a certain number of characters, and so, are message-speed dependent. You can define the # of characters in arc.cfg.


Options control a wide range of different aspects of the message. If an option isn't specified, a default value is assigned. This happens inside _navi:new() at the very top. The default values are hard-coded in. The various options are listed below.

w (int)
Width used to wrap the text. Note: if 'face' is specified, the width is decreased so that the total box width remains the same.

wbox (int)
Width of the message box. Note: Don't use both w and wbox options together. If you set one, the other is automatically calculated.

x, y (int)
The x and y shifts of the display coordinates. Note: Display coordinates refer to the position of the text, not the message box. i.e. if (x=0, y=0) and the message is displayed at (0,0), the top-left point of the text will be at (0,0).

alx (string)
Horizontal text alignment inside the message box. This doesn't change the position of the box, but only the text inside the box.
alx = 'l': left, 'm': middle, 'r': right

alxb, alyb (string)
Message box alignment about the display coordinates.
alxb = 'l': left, 'm': middle, 'r': right
alyb = 't': top, 'm': middle, 'b': bottom

wait (float OR nil)
If wait == nil, the message ends once arc.btn.ent is pressed. If wait is a number, the message ends after wait seconds.

skip (boolean)
Controls whether the message can be skipped by pressing arc.btn.ent.
skip = true: skippable, false: not skippable

msg_spd (float)
The number of characters per second to display.

instant (boolean)
Controls whether the message displays instantly.
instant = true: instant, false: not instant

box (boolean)
Controls whether a message box is displayed.
box = true: show message box, false: don't show message box

box_anim (boolean)
Controls whether to show an open/close animation for the message box. box_anim = true: show animation, false: don't show animation

name (string OR nil)
Shows a name above the message. If used, the message starts on the next line. If name == nil, no name is shown.

face (Image OR nil)
Shows a picture next to the message.

face_pos (string)
Side of the message the 'face' picture appears on.
face_pos = 'l': left side, 'r': right side

face_border (boolean)
Controls whether to draw a border around the face. face_border = true: draw border, false: don't draw border

blinker (boolen)
Controls whether to show a message blinker, which indicates when to press the arc.btn.ent key.
blinker = true: show blinker, false: don't show blinker

scroll (boolean)
Controls whether the message scrolls. If nrows is set and the message spans multiple boxes, this option scrolls the message up after each box completes.
scroll = true: scroll messages, false: don't scroll messages

choices (array of strings OR nil)
List of choices to pick from at the end of the message.

nvchs (int)
Number of choices the message box holds. If this is less than the number of choices, a scroll bar appears to indicate the non-displayed choices.

nrows (int)
Number of rows of message box holds. If this is less than the number of rows in the message, the message is split into multiple boxes.


Customizing Navi requires changing resource files (i.e. font file) or editing small bits of code (or both), depending on what you want to do.

Set arc.fn to your own font.

Set arc.img.cursor to your own image. Note: you may need to change arc.cfg.cur_dx and arc.cfg.cur_dy to position the cursor properly with respect to the text. (also, see draw.cursor() in draw.lua).

Set arc.img.blinker to your own image. (also, see _navi:show_blinker() in navi.lua).

Edit draw.window() in draw.lua.

The positions of various items in the message box are set in _navi:set_pos() in navi.lua. You can edit the code here to further customize the way messages look, but only if you know what you're doing. I won't go into the details, but it isn't too difficult to figure out.


The Navi library isn't "smart" - it executes calls without performing any checks. For example:

  • It uses whatever options are specified, even if they don't make sense together. i.e.
    (choices=nil, nvchs=4)
    (box=false, box_anim=true)
    (using the formatter |m and nrows=nil)
  • It doesn't check if the color arc.col[name] exists when the formatter |c{name} is used.
  • It doesn't scale a face picture when it doesn't fit in the message box, so the picture will extend beyond the box boundaries.

This library doesn't check for such 'mistakes', so they aren't handled in any elegant way, partly so you can catch those mistakes and fix them (and partly because I'm lazy).


Anyway, that's it! Thanks to the LÖVE developers for creating such a great program and to the LÖVE community for their support and interest. The libary is licensed by the MIT License, so feel free to copy and modify it.


A message library for LÖVE







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