Mahimana is an automatic script that creates to help you manage your server easily with a lot of amazing tools
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Update and Upgrade system
- Change SSH port
- Adding domain with bind9
- Removing domain with bind9
- Get single SSL for a domain with Certbot
- Install Docker
- Change Hostname
- Install Nginx
- Get SSL with domain and Nginx
- Install NVM (Node Version Manager)
- Add SSH key
- Active or deactivate firewall
- Show all open ports firewall
- Open new port firewall
- Close a port firewall
- Add new OS user
- Change password for users
- Delete an user
- Install X-UI (MHSanaei)
- Install Hiddify
- Install Marzban
simple use (With root access)
bash <(curl -fsSL
Technologies used in the project:
- bash
This project is licensed under the MIT
You can support me with LTC