Swift SDK for the NEO blockchain.
- A swift client for interacting with a node on the NEO blockchain.
- Written in Swift4 and using Xcode9 Beta
- Primarily meant to be the SDK for iOS and macOS wallet software.
- Underlying cryptographic methods compiled into frameworks via go-mobile.
- iOS framework
- underlying go code
- Implements read operations of neo blockchain
- Allows for send asset transactions
- This is pre-alpha software meant only to be used by experienced developers, use at your own risk
enum RPCMethod: String {
case getBestBlockHash = "getbestblockhash"
case getBlock = "getblock"
case getBlockCount = "getblockcount"
case getBlockHash = "getblockhash"
case getConnectionCount = "getconnectioncount"
case getTransaction = "getrawtransaction"
case getTransactionOutput = "gettxout"
case getUnconfirmedTransactions = "getrawmempool"
case sendTransaction = "sendrawtransaction"
//The following routes can't be invoked by calling an RPC server
//We must use the wrapper for the nodes made by COZ
case getBalance = "getbalance"
- NEP2 Support
- Other transaction types
- Better management of dependencies
- Carthage, Cocoapods, and SPM support
- Improved Node/Network Selection
- Improved Documentation
Clone the repo and open the project in xcode and run all tests in NeoSwiftTests.swift
func demo() {
// Create an account via a wif string
let wifPersonA = "L4Ns4Uh4WegsHxgDG49hohAYxuhj41hhxG6owjjTWg95GSrRRbLL" // REMINDER TO NEVER USE THIS FOR REAL FUNDS
let accountA = Account(wif: wifPersonA)
let accountB = Account(wif: wifPersonB)
print(accountA.hashedSignature) //Data
accountA.sendAssetTransaction(asset: .gasAssetId, amount: 1, toAddress: accountB.address) { success, error in
assert(success ?? false)
If you are linking NeoSwift as a Dynamic framework. Create a new “Run Script Phase” in your app’s target’s “Build Phases” and paste the following snippet in the script text field:
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/NeoSwift.framework/strip-frameworks.sh"
This step is required to work around an App Store submission bug when archiving universal binaries.
- Open a new issue for any problems.
- Send a message to @andreit1 on the NEO Slack.
- If there's a feature you'd like to see included feel free to drop me a line or submit a pull request
- Open-source MIT.
- Main authors are @saltyskip and @apisit.