Tello Node JS backend uses websockets, an express server, ffmpeg, please ensure you have all the dependencies before installing and running this project.
Tech stack used
- Node JS
- Websockets
- Express
- Lodash
- FFMpeg
- JSPlayer
- Mocha (For Tests)
Run npm install
Arguments for run:
node ./index.js --cli
or node ./index.js -cli-tool
for the command line tool
node ./index.js --browser
or node ./index.js -browser-tool
for the video and browser player which is for the tello front end here and can be found at http://localhost:4000
To run tests run npm run test
Expand test coverage to cover more than just the websocket connection Make the CLI tool better
The CLI Interface also uses a websocket server but requires the user to send commands as specified in the Tello SDK Docs
Tech stack used
- Node JS
- Websockets
- Commander (For cli arguments)
- Refactor this so the commands are normalised
- Add a option to select a distance value
- Make the CLI better
- Expand Test coverage